I am going to go through and drop the SAZ-1000D, SAE-1200D, SAZ-1500D, SAZ-2000D, SAZ-3000D, and SAZ-3500D in the Jeep and do a power clamp test so we have a rough and UNIFORM comparison between the amps in the same setup. Test Frequency - 50 Hz Test Load - 4x SA-12s all in parallel for 0.4375 DCR (1/2 nominal) Test Electrical - 6x Stinger SPV-70 + 225-Amp Alternator (vehicle only at idle) Amp gain set to 1/2 - Head Unit Sub Control 10/10 - Head Unit Volume 50/50 Setting gain to half on each amp is, of course, not an exact match... but for the sake of roughly comparing the amps I think it serves the purpose. --------------- SAZ-1000D: POWER : 1040 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 37.2 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 27.95 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.33 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 13.15 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1000D/CIMG2498.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1000D/CIMG2499.MOV * Voltage Measurement --------------- SAE-1200D: POWER : 1770 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : DID NOT MEASURE AMP CURRENT (calculated) : DID NOT MEASURE ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : DID NOT MEASURE SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 12.65 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1200D/CIMG2513.MOV * Power Clamp DID NOT MEASURE * Voltage Measurement ** FUSES BLEW - DID NOT CONTINUE TO MEASURE VOLTAGE --------------- SAZ-1500D: POWER : 1970 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 49.25 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 40 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.23 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 12.85 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1500D/CIMG2493.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/1500D/CIMG2494.MOV * Voltage Measurement --------------- SAZ-2000D: POWER : 2440 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 56.18 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 43.43 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.29 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 12.5 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/2000D/CIMG2503.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/2000D/CIMG2504.MOV * Voltage Measurement --------------- SAZ-3000D: POWER : 3280 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 61.28 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 53.52 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.14 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 12.1 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/3000D/CIMG2506.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/3000D/CIMG2507.MOV * Voltage Measurement --------------- SAZ-3500D: POWER : 3660 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 65.84 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 55.58 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.18 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 11.9 V http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/3500D/CIMG2510.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/3500D/CIMG2511.MOV * Voltage Measurement --------------- SAZ-4500D: * SAZ-4500D in prototype case POWER : 4870 Watts AMP VOLTAGE (measured) : 76.0 V AMP CURRENT (calculated) : 64.08 A ACTUAL IMPEDANCE (calculated) : 1.18 ohms SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 12.25 V *** http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/4500D/CIMG2529.MOV * Power Clamp http://www.sundownaudio.com/misc/_AMP_POWER/4500D/CIMG2530.MOV * Voltage Measurement *** - Measured different day from other amps (8-4-09), batteries had full charge so sustained less voltage drop.