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About mxer657

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  1. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

  2. Very nice equipment and box. I wish people would finish out their installs and make them clean. You're real close to having a sick setup. Hopefully you'll be moving that to the back and no going ghetto on us Btw did you rotate the subs partially on purpose?
  3. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    These are pretty rare. I've only got 2 left guys so you better hurry up and get them. I'll sell them both for a great price
  4. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    Yupp definitely not boss's regular crap. The havocs were the best amps they ever "produced." I've got three left and I'll sell them all for the price only a crackhead would ask for if someone buys all three in the next week. It will be a price you can't say no to
  5. mxer657

    2 12's or 2 10's for small 4 dr sedan?

    2 12's. It'll sound better, hit a wider range of notes, and you'll be able to get louder in case you're in the mood for a song or two
  6. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    Oh gotcha. Well the Leviathan is gone and so is one of the Havocs. 2 others are pending
  7. mxer657

    When you can look forward to... (KH501 Series)

    Very nice! It's about time I saw them with the new logo. Speaking of which, what a lovely logo But for real, looks very nice. If you're still trying to get that website hooked up, let me know
  8. mxer657

    subaru build w/ 2 15" dc

    First off it's going to be very promising just having those subs. It's hard to mess up too too bad But that enclosure is definitely way too large to be firing back. You are pretty close to sealing your car off except you're firing the wrong way.. If you don't want to build a new box, flip it. You can try flipping the box forward and also spinning it 180 degrees. If you don't, the sound will sound very muffled and dirty :/
  9. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    Leviathan is gone but others are still here
  10. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    Thanks man. I might end up running one myself on my CDT comps and sell the rest. I'm not trying to but if I'm missing something, please do PM me about it. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes
  11. mxer657

    Zed Goodness for the low

    Fixed. Oh and I have plenty of good refs. Same name on ca.com and I go by luxuryhookup on egay. Have never had a bad transaction. Amps will be double boxed, packed properly and insured Haha damn man. Well I doubt it will be here by then but if it is, I'd be more than happy for you to buy it
  12. mxer657

    Amp vs Amp

    RF's are ridiculous current hogs and will drop your voltage down thus dropping their output. Sundown would win in a comparison but I'd still take the budget friendly Audioque over both of them if money was a concern
  13. mxer657

    Amp help

    1 sub per amp. That is a general rule of thumb