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curse1022 last won the day on November 9 2009

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3 Positive addition


About curse1022

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  1. curse1022

    xcon or 15 l7 for DEEP bass

    Probably. You need to remember though, that level of output is done in higher tuning ranges generally. Also, with even 2k watts youre looking at an extra battery at least and possibly a High Output Alternator. Id stick to a single 18" Xcon on 2k watts for this build, I'm sure you'll be surprised by how loud that is.
  2. curse1022

    blew my sub

    Im no enclosure expert but it just seems like that box is wayyyyyy oversized. i dunno if thats what cuz it to screw up though.
  3. curse1022

    blew my sub

    Seems like the enclosure could be a problem?
  4. curse1022

    incriminator audio lethal injection

    Not a big difference between 30-31Hz or 32, nothing too audible. Basically what i was saying, i just picked 31 cuz its close to being in the middle of what IA reccomends. and @ the guy who said hip hop tune 35, while 35 will indeed bump plenty of hip hop what other genre really drops sub 30 other than hip hop/ few techno? i think his tuning is fine.
  5. curse1022

    incriminator audio lethal injection

    I think 32 would be fine for your listening, IA recommends 28-35 so id try around 31 personally.
  6. curse1022

    Sundown EXACT same as IA and RD amps??

    Same board or not, Sundown and Incriminator Audio both make AMAZING amps that put out well above rated, while RD is shit in a case. you cant go wrong with either Sundown or IA, you can talk to both of them on the forums here.
  7. curse1022

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Really interested in this build, i drive a 2000 TL, so my car is pretty much the same as yours in most aspects
  8. curse1022

    Favorite supplement

    Yeah seriously. Why do you guys need to waste money on vitamins and minerals that you get from your everyday foods? To get bigger? Stop being a vagina and work out a little harder. You have a LOT to learn if you honestly think you can get big just by lifting in anything less than a very long period of time. diet + supplements + good workouts > working out + eating.
  9. curse1022

    Anyone heard about these online shops?

    Pretty sure dealer car cost is sketchy.
  10. curse1022

    So my buddy wants a system but...

    i nominate Audiopipe for cheap power, have you considered looking on other forums for used amps?
  11. curse1022

    XS Batteries Group Buy!!!

    why cant you just link it...
  12. curse1022


    I thought they were a good company until someone said they are almost the same as Hifonics. I dont know about that though. I know the prices are competitive. They are very similar to DD, and they will do more than rated power (see the AQ 3500 vs Sundown 3500 in the sundown technical section). while indeed losing to the sundown, it still shows it puts out more than rated power AND is about half the price of the sundown .they are pretty reliable. subwoofer wise, i cant comment. the HDC's are said to get loud but their SQ hasn't really been proven either way, some say they sound good and others say they sound hollow, would have to listen to one yourself to decide.
  13. The Audiopipe is great for the money, if you can wire your shit to 2 ohms. i would personally take the audioque over the crunch, theyve been proven to be incredible amps with a great price tag.
  14. curse1022


    You would probably be better off with stepping up to a Death Penalty, though set up correctly im sure the Death Row could handle that wattage.
  15. curse1022

    10" Fi BL(daily loaded) and 10" RD Alpha v3

    The xcon is a very muscial subwoofer and it handles a great amount of wattage, ive heard them myself I'd definitely go that route if youre looking for a loud, but well sounding, daily driver.