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About ch33zy

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    1990 Toyota Celica GTS
  1. There are two inputs, and a br in and br out. I had my Rca's plugged in to the inputs. I tried them in the br in and br out and the sub plays fine, but I currently have it unplugged.
  2. So I was removing one of my RCA cables from my SAX-1200D and the input pulled out of the amp. It was still connected to the wire but it would not screw back in to the amp. While attempting to screw the input back in to the amp the solder joint broke off the input and now I am stuck without an input. Basically I'm wondering if it's okay to run the RCA's from the bridged input and output if the amp is not bridged. I have tried running it from the bridged inputs and it works fine, but I don't know if it's healthy for my equipment. Any help is appreciated.
  3. ch33zy

    X 10"s sealed-----how low will they go??

    My driver shipped out last night. Hopefully your drivers will ship soon if they haven't already MrBrooks!
  4. ch33zy

    The BURB has bass again!!! First vid of the Mayhem!

    Looks pretty sweet. Glad that you like the setup! I would love to see an interior view video!
  5. ch33zy

    Sleeping on the Couch

    The project is looking great man! Keep up the good work.
  6. ch33zy

    Amp help

    I should have everything I need by around christmas time. I'll be sure to post some pictures of the install.
  7. ch33zy

    Amp help

    I decided to get the refurbished Sundown Audio SAX-1200D from dB-r. I felt that $180 for that amp was too good of a deal to pass up. Thanks Punkeyboozter and to the rest that helped me with my decision.
  8. say bruh lets light up a blezzy some time

  9. ch33zy

    I bought _________ on black friday!

    Fully loaded Fi Q 15. Very excited.
  10. ch33zy

    Amp help

    For the record I am completely open to buying an amp that puts out less power. I'm just looking for some input on my thoughts which is why I created this post in the first place.
  11. ch33zy

    Amp help

    Because I would like SQ and power, since it is fully loaded I feel that 2000 watts would be a safe amount for the speaker to handle.
  12. ch33zy

    Amp help

    If you have to ask then yes it is, how much are you willing to spend? I would like to stay in the 200-300 dollar range.
  13. ch33zy

    Amp help

    In further research I found that the HFi2000D is one ohm stable as well. I want to get the most power out of my woofer, which is why I'm going with one of these two amps rather than a 1000-1200 rated one.
  14. ch33zy

    Amp help

    So I just recently ordered a fully loaded Fi Q 15" and now I need to decide on an amplifier. I'm thinking either a Hifonics HFi2000D or a Hifonics Brutus BRZ2400.1D. I will be running them at 1 ohm. Do you think 2400 watts rms is too much for a fully loaded Q? I think it should be okay, but I would like to hear some other opinions.