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About Reallunacy

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    Canton, GA
  1. Reallunacy

    * Ask Don of SDS *

    Hey Don, I asked this on another forum, but to no avail. Is there an objective test to compare one deadener to another. For instance, a test that actually results in numbers. I just prefer to see real data as opposed to people saying they like one brand over another. I read over this thread and with the exception of a couple minor pieces of information I surprisingly knew most of what you stated (darn that reflecting engine sounds and the really dense floors). It is always great to see someone that really knows their product and is willing to give a straight answer.
  2. Reallunacy

    It's Nov 2nd

    What I loved is the people here saying the would vote for Whitman just because she is a woman...it reminded me of the black folks who said the same about Obama. Maybe I just think more logically about these things, but if you are voting for a person based on race, sex or creed it is flat ass wrong. Make sure that their policies align with what you believe. I don't run down a party line, I gather information, and make an educated decision. Why are people so freaking lazy? /rant I agree, hell in GA, the Liberal candidate had only 4% of the vote, but I bet if everyone had actually listened to his platforms he would have made an amazing run. In the debate with the other two candidates, he seemed the best.
  3. Reallunacy

    It's Nov 2nd

    I thought SSA was supposed to be the home of all the great minds, did none of you vote?
  4. Reallunacy

    The D4S.com thread

    Nah man, it's probably me lol.
  5. Reallunacy

    It's Nov 2nd

    It's time for everyone to go and vote on the future of our country.
  6. Your electrical is only as strong as it's weakest link.