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Everything posted by Luke.H

  1. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean, an E34 M5 pulled into the garage I park in as I was walking out today. First time seeing one in the wild
  2. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Haven't been around much, but noticed the same.
  3. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm on the 3rd and always take the stairs. I never understood why so many people at work take the elevator. Moving to the 17th this summer, so I'll probably start using the elevator
  4. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Car got flipped over and set on fire in Lexington tonight after UK won. Fucking nuts. Wonder what would have happened if they lost.
  5. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh, I thought it was more remote than that. I remember you saying something like 600 miles round trip. I didn't think there would be gas stations and bars along the way. Ever been in a town of 50 people? They either have 2 things or 3. A bar, a gas station, and possibly a church. Conveniently for us, they almost all carry non-oxy gas as well I get the idea now. I was way off.
  6. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Oh, I thought it was more remote than that. I remember you saying something like 600 miles round trip. I didn't think there would be gas stations and bars along the way.
  7. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I didn't snowboard I'd hate the winter. Too bad this year completely blew. Season ended in late February and all throughout the snow was crap.
  8. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was wondering what you did about fuel on those long trips. That thing looks like a lot of fun!
  9. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Spent the last few days painting my basement. I'm terrible at painting! Should finish today though.
  10. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's nearly boat season
  11. Luke.H

    Sub upgrade, opinion sought

    Based on your goals it sounds like you're wanting an increase in output without increasing enclosure size. Your goals can be achieved, albeit at the expense of low end extension. That's Hoffman's Iron Law at work. Luckily the transfer function in a car helps out with that a little bit. If you haven't already, it may be beneficial for you to model your woofer along with a few perspective others in various enclosures. Obviously it won't be an exact representation, but it'll give you an idea. Every vehicle will be different, but I've read that a 12db/octave slope at 50Hz is a decent approximation of cabin gain. This doesn't directly answer your question, but it's something to consider and hopefully guide you towards an informed decision.
  12. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My dad left a job for that reason a few years ago. About a year into the new one he was gone just as much. He's out of town right now actually.
  13. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I never play games on my PS3, but I'm glad I have it. I think it's the better system for someone who's not into video games. It's nice being able to use Netflix and put movies on a USB to watch them on your TV. FAT32's 4GB limit sucks though. So, if you can get an even trade I'd go for it. Although I've been having some issues with Netlix and it seems a lot of people have been with the latest release.
  14. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I haven't listened to them in forever. I'm ripping The Battle of Los Angeles to iTunes now
  15. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where to?
  16. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Saw 66 in MN yesterday. Bye, bye snow 74 here yesterday. I was hoping to go snowboarding once last time this week, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen now.
  17. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've always thought it was better to just leave it in standby most of the time. Is it not?
  18. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Our desktop gets turned off once every 3 months or so. It's pretty much always on.
  19. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wtf? I'm not sure what happened there. Anyway, it was a picture from Top Gear's coverage of the Geneva Motor show of the new F12.
  20. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Edit: Fixed
  21. Luke.H

    Happy birthday to ///M5

    HBD Sean
  22. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's crazy.
  23. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds cool. I'm hoping to do something similar once the weather gets better here.
  24. Luke.H

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Some kid decided to catch some shut eye during lecture today and tipped out of his chair. I never understood how people could think that was a reasonable time to sleep. It was a good laugh at least.