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About 650rcode

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    Bay Area, CA
  1. 650rcode

    Two Rockford 1500.1bdcp and four fi bl 15s dual 1ohm

    i agree with nick, get a pair of 18" 4inch voice coil BLs. I have a single 12 4"vc BL off of a 1500bdcp and it pounds.
  2. 650rcode

    Q10 Ported, or Q12 Sealed

    just finished a sealed q 12 for a friend and its sounds good, but we will be building a ported enclosure for it because the output we want is not there. I have a BL 12 ported to 33hz in about 3 cubes and it sounds amazing, a lot cleaner than two cvx 10's that i had. if you can fit the 12 go with the 12 and port it, you won't be dissapointed
  3. 650rcode

    4" vc Fi BL 12

    I'm going to power it with a RF t1500-1bdcp. the enclosure for the sub is almost done but I'm having trouble deciding what to do for the baffle and the port. Its going to be a spare tire well box so the bottom is fiberglass and only the top baffle will be MDF, the depth of the box is only 9 inches internally. doing a slot port would be difficult to do because of the lack of straight walls and it would have to be extremely long to achieve the tuning that i want. i was looking into doing 2 4" aero ports for the 12"BL. I have a gross volume of roughly 3.04. after all displacements i end up with tuning of 33.29 and net volume of 2.53, but port area per cubic foot is 9.93, is this too small for the sub. I heard that you can get away with a smaller number here with aero ports vs slot ports. Additionally the ports would have to bend because of the 20" length and shallow enclosure. hope someone can chime in and help out so i can start playing with my new toy soon. thanks.
  4. 650rcode

    4" vc Fi BL 12

    Ordered this bad boy on black Fiday and it's finally here! It was funny watching the UPS guy strain his back while he carried the box to the front door. After opening the box and unscrewing the top cover I was surprised by how beefy the sub was for a 12. The cone was extremely stiff to push down and the size of the magnet is huge. Unfortunately I won't be able to power the sub until the new enclosure is finished and the rest of the car is set up. Anyway here are some pics of the new toy.
  5. 650rcode

    BL 4" VC Production Update?

    Just wondering if production has begun on the BL's with 4" voice coils? Ordered my 12" on black Friday so I've very excited about its arrival. Haven't seen anyone posts, pics or info about them on the forums so I'm thinking no one has them yet. I know priority was for the N2's because of the extra machining, it would be great to get an update. Thanks, Jupiter
  6. 650rcode

    Hey SSA

    Thanks guys. I found the site by clicking on the forum link on the Fi Car Audio site.
  7. 650rcode

    4" coil option for BL Series

    just ordered a fully loaded 12 BL with a 4" coil! Can't wait to get it, i guess i'll have a project to do once this quarter is over and I'm home for the Christmas break.
  8. 650rcode

    Hey SSA

    Hey guys, new to the site seems like a great place for information.
  9. 650rcode

    4" coil option for BL Series

    Any word on when these will be available?