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Everything posted by mariobjones

  1. mariobjones

    TeamSSA Meet

    Will their be a meet in Houston or competition anytime soon?
  2. Well I blew my pioneer radio :( if anyone wants it, shoot a offer.

    1. mariobjones


      thanks bro. i'll check it out

    2. Notorious97200


      Don't touch rca or speaker wire when h u is on ! I know that now ! But it's an easy fix. Goggle it, you'll find several solutions, all cheap !

    3. mariobjones
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. mariobjones


    CAR: 2002 Grand Prix Sub: 1 Fi BTL 18" (Second Gen) Amp: Waiting for the Crescendo 2k Battery: 1 XS d3400 and 1 d925 up front Stock Alt. 110 More 6 Cadence 6" Mids and 6 crescendo tweeters Ran off a crescendo 4 channel Stay tuned!!
  4. mariobjones


    Yea already had some bro. They just sold them with 1 mid woofer.
  5. mariobjones


    I bought my cadence mids for 13 dollars each on amazon like 1 week ago. Their now 30 each on their. Their pretty damn good, and their loud!! Sensitivity is 100db. And it's all about fitting. If I could fit 4 more, I totally would, but for now I'll just add two more. BTL should be here in the AM
  6. mariobjones


    Yeah I don't think I will do that though. I only ordered 1 more pair Of cadence mids, and crescendo tweets. And I also got 2 audiopipe 1500s for the btl 18, not sure about the crescendo, since the efficiency won't be very good at 2 ohms. So I'll do the audio pipes at 1ohm on each coil. And have the sundown amp for mids on way. Will take a bunch of pics for you guys.
  7. mariobjones


    yeah!! they'll be on the website this week!! i already ordered mine.
  8. mariobjones

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Watching thread!! LOCKED IN!!
  9. Sold Icons!! Btl 18" on it's way!!

    1. mariobjones


      2nd gen bro!! now its time for new amp

    2. ssh


      Your going to love it!

    3. mariobjones


      Decided to go with two audiopipe 1500

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  10. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    All in HD!!
  11. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    COoh. Thanks bro.
  12. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    Yeah!!! I remember y'all. Where y'all live bro. I'm doing a new build, and would like some help. Going to install maybe 2 btl 18s. But 1 as of now.
  13. mariobjones

    JUST Finished My Doors!!

    Thanks bro. Getting my other one done today, and gotta clean em up.
  14. mariobjones

    JUST Finished My Doors!!

    Thanks bro!!
  15. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    i donno but i would not fuck with him... whats he like 6'8 380 or so... dude looks like he eats babies for lunch Lol I just seen that ion know who that was
  16. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    With the tab in the dash right? I believe I do. You had the sundown subs.
  17. mariobjones

    JUST Finished My Doors!!

    Thanks man. Been working on a lot of different things at once.
  18. mariobjones

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    which car did you have bro??
  19. mariobjones

    First competition

    I mean if I turned my subs facing the inside of my car like everyone else I wouldve scored higher. But i was expecting lower than that so that was cool, it surprised me. Uploading rest of video's now.
  20. mariobjones

    First competition

    First competition will be today. I'm entering with my Ssa icon 15s. Will let you guys know how they turned out. http://www.bassbattles.com/
  21. mariobjones

    First competition

    USACI SPL Competition Houston, Texas 03-27-2011 Their in HD!!
  22. mariobjones

    Need some help!!

    Do you have a vid of your setup?? I want to see those 8" woofers in action. And you have the super tweeter with those. That's a nice idea. Not a nice idea. The B&C he linked is a great driver, but I'd at least match it with a tweeter that was listenable. Super tweeters and cars never really make sense. If you need more output step up to a horn. ok you guys. I ordered 1 set of crescendo components. And may buy watts09 AA mids if he still has them Monday. will try both, and if my HD cam is in, in time, i'll do two video's of their performance. THANK YOU ALL!!! You all have helped me out ALOT! I took my rear speakers out already, and will take front stage out when I get crescendos. Will keep you ALL updated. Thanks again to you ALL. looking forward to progress Decided to go with the Cadence midrange speakers. their pretty nice looking and their heavy!!
  23. mariobjones

    Need some help!!

    Going for a new mid highs setup!! Taking out the ken woods. I have two SSA Icon 15s for my lows. Looking for 2 6.5s and 4 6x9s... And I'll maybe keep my crescendo super tweeters. Any suggestions?? What would yall put in y'alls ride if you had a price limit of 250 for each. (I want to hear about y'alls goals) saying you had two 15 icons!!
  24. mariobjones

    Need some help!!

    Yeah bro, I called them, and never did order them. And your right, their releasing everything newer and improved. I decided to go with some Cadence mid-range speakers. I got 1 in today, and their pretty freaking heavy!! Their 100 watts RMS and sensitivity is 100... so they'll be pretty loud for now.
  25. mariobjones

    First competition

    Thanks bro.