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Everything posted by Kangaroux

  1. Kangaroux

    Box Calculator

    What do you need exactly? http://the12volt.com has plenty of box calculators for individual stuff like port length, etc. You can also check out the torres calc. I've never used it but people seem to like it...whatever you do don't touch the RE calc, it's notorious for having the measurements on some stuff be way off.
  2. I never go over 100 in^2 for daily for 18's. For a burp box 150 in^2 would work but it would be too peaky for a daily, not to mention hardly anything below tuning will sound like junk with that much port
  3. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's 99 Pathfinder

    Thank you sir
  4. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's 99 Pathfinder

    Also, while this isn't really relevant to my build log, I recently built a box for a local that's currently housing 4 12" obsidians running off a sundown saz-3000. I decided to step up my game and play around with those kerfs some more and it came out looking great. There are 35 pictures and I don't feel like posting up every single one so if you are interested in viewing the album link is below. Any criticism is appreciated (though try not to make fun of me too bad ) http://imgur.com/a/G4UfX#0
  5. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's 99 Pathfinder

    Don't know if it's moving that much air just yet..lol Yeah, I'm addicted to single 18 setups. Out of the 5 or so setups I've ran, 3 of them were single 18 setups. Lot less hassle compared to running a pair of 12's, plus it looks cooler and is less expensive lol. And the word "downgrade" should never be used when talking about the xcons Thank you sir. I still have a bit of work I want to do to it, but for now it sure does a decent job lol. The pathfinder is actually deadened up just about as much as I can go before going too extreme lol. I have audio technix all around with those pieces of scrap wood attached to them for even more added mass. I probably have close to 10 tubes of that PL375 silicone too so I don't get too much panel movement either. As for adding a second 18, that's the plan. Gonna wall it off with 2 of them and still run the AQ2200 but drop it down to half ohm daily. I ran it at .5 daily with my last setup and it seemed fine though it got a bit warm, so I would definitely want to put a couple fans on it to keep it cool. I figure I could probably break a 150 with a pair of 18's off the 2200 considering I'm doing around a 147 at the moment with a single 18 non-walled.
  6. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    Been playing around with the time slider a bit, so hopefully these songs will appeal to people who aren't a huge fan of slowed music. The intro is the same speed and pitch but right before the bass hits it's slowed down. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS SONG! It hits very low. 36hz, 23hz http://kiwi6.com/file/0aqlkcic50
  7. Kangaroux

    problem with output stupid small box

    I think he means 180in^2 of port TOTAL with 4.5 cubes of volume PER sub. OP I would go with a single sub in a 6-7 cube box, I think you will like how it sounds a lot more. A box that small must have no low end and is probably very peaky..
  8. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    The main bass line is 40hz with some 30hz stuff thrown in courtesy of Decaf http://kiwi6.com/file/19879ewu21
  9. Kangaroux

    SSA xcon 10 tuning

    Be careful setting the LPF too high, that is a big thing that can kill your sub (high power with very little excursion means the sub can't cool itself that well. Throw in the slightest bit of clipping and your sub will heat up extremely fast)
  10. Kangaroux

    SSA xcon 10 tuning

    You could bring your subsonic down to like 25-27 and be fine. My box is 7 cubes tuned to 31hz for the xcon 18 and my lowpass is at like 70-80 and subsonic is mid 20's
  11. Kangaroux

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's a Motley Crue kinda night
  12. Kangaroux

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is that Aaron?
  13. Kangaroux

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Applied to Panera Bread and they called me before I had a chance to even call them the next day. Will be nice to have a job, haven't had any luck all year.
  14. Kangaroux

    trying to break 155 dbs

    My SPL-Labs is as good as or better than the termlab I used to own. Definitely more user friendly IMO (thouhg I have wireless version and use Android app). I wouldn't waste my time and money on a TL again. If you got a bum unit, send it back and if you can, upgrade to the wireless one. I think you'll like it. Still not loud Sorry to hear that. Let me know if you want me to help you out with that. Lol
  15. Kangaroux

    trying to break 155 dbs

    My SPL-Labs is as good as or better than the termlab I used to own. Definitely more user friendly IMO (thouhg I have wireless version and use Android app). I wouldn't waste my time and money on a TL again. If you got a bum unit, send it back and if you can, upgrade to the wireless one. I think you'll like it. Still not loud
  16. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's 99 Pathfinder

    Haven't done much with the build since I'm broke lol. Figured I'd at least make a quick vid. Volume isn't all the way up to prevent voltage drop and clipping
  17. Kangaroux

    my comp results

    Great score. I love it when people say you can't hit a high number at low frequencies...
  18. Oohh I didn't know there was a show on the 29th. I will try my best to get down there, I haven't had much time lately. I'm getting my ZCON 18 in this week though . Ah shit I wanna hear that. I almost got a zcon 18 but I didn't have the cash for it and had to settle for the xcon. Not like that's a bad thing, though lol.
  19. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    And a 24hz remix for those of you with manly parts. http://kiwi6.com/file/f70d3ie920
  20. Kangaroux

    Kangaroux's Remixes

    How about a little bit of older school stuff? Peaks at 29hz http://kiwi6.com/file/o7yuew73c5
  21. Yeah I think you're just overthinking it. Just do your big 3 and get it outta the way, it's such a small amount of wire it's not like it's really costing you that much to do it. Are you coming to Sanford on the 29th?
  22. Kangaroux

    Correlation Between Vent Mach and SPL

    It's hard to say there is a correlation because there are so many variables that go into it all. But to be clear you are asking about port velocity and not port noise, right? Like, asking if port noise effects your SPL?
  23. Kangaroux

    Welcome to the IHoP

  24. Kangaroux

    Swift's 2 18in FI SP4s in 07 F250 HD

    Your port is on the passenger side, isn't it? If the meter is in the passenger seat no wonder it meters lower. And I agree, aim for 250-300 in^2 of port and tune it 31-32. You'll gain a little bit of extra output without sacrificing much of the low end.
  25. Kangaroux

    Hi, I'm Bob...

    Hi Bob. I'm no one