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Everything posted by katsooba

  1. katsooba

    I want to play a game....

  2. katsooba

    Sundown Sq build

    keep up the good work and keep us posted with more pics very interesting !
  3. katsooba

    2nd Generation of Sundown

    Congrats my good man
  4. katsooba

    Arsenal 10"s failing??

    subsonic filter would help protect the subs, also, try checking if the coils of the subs are in phase with each other, 6 out of 6 subs failed? thats just not right
  5. katsooba

    CES Fi Style

    left me speechless. thank you:)
  6. katsooba

    What happened here?

    you're crippling the sub BIG TIME in that box, got above 4 cf if you want it to perform as it should. that box is just a shame
  7. katsooba


    Scott must be the busiest man on the planet! just wait , he will return
  8. katsooba

    Sundown SQ World Finals Win!

    how could he win? he didnt even finish his install! [watching his install thread] lol
  9. katsooba

    SAX-100.2 Issue

    did you try taking off the speakers and see if the wires on their ends did not went off touching each other?
  10. katsooba

    Has anyone here ran an assassin sealed?

    sorry i was think HT. i got a buddy of mine running an Assassin 12" in his car sealed, 33 liter box [about 1.2CF] and he is enjoying any minute with it:)
  11. is there a way to get SS products in Israel? thanks.
  12. katsooba

    Has anyone here ran an assassin sealed?

    think bigger. i put 2 12" in a 6 CF tower [yes, just like steve meades towers, just sealed, and with 12", and with Xs] LOL
  13. katsooba

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    oh... my.. god!!
  14. katsooba

    Has anyone here ran an assassin sealed?

    and what if output is not my main idea? what about and SQ oriented application? i have run an assassin 12" in a 33L sealed box, running on only 200 rms, and it sounds great! for the listener taste. couldnt wish for more:) i love this driver, if the Assassin and the Fi X are similar, i run 4 12" X's in my HT setup, in a sealed box, and it shakes my building!
  15. katsooba

    AA MSRP prices

    these Havocs are sick! for their price! tested the 12" and 15" to date, and nothing but good things:)
  16. katsooba

    Powermaster Alt's

    any alts for imports ? say, a 98' honda c-rv ?
  17. is that Behringer DCX 2496 really worth all the trouble in the car? i currently have H700 in my car, and the behringer on my home audio setup. will i benefit something from this change?
  18. i am gettin alot of question lately about this, and it seems to put off alot of people that ask for a passive set up front and a 2 ohm subwoofer. and they been asking me if i can check for the SAX100.4 for 2 ohm bridged ability. can anyone test this? i only tried for a few mins on a low power subwoofer , without any special faults. no excessive heat, no protection, no audible distortion, i was wondering if anyone could bench the 100.4 @ 2 ohm bridge usability. it could be great to find out that it can do this:) thanks Eli.
  19. katsooba

    sundown SAX100.4 2 ohm bridged stable?

    Hello Jacob thanks for the answers, 4 months you say, ill take this to notice. me and a friend were just goofin around with this idea, because the 4 chan amps around here get some serious competition from the likes of audiosystem and other 2 ohm bridge stable amps. but still we prove the sundowns to be a better sounding amps. the imaging on the is stable , and no audible distortion is heard on high volumes. these amps are satisfying like 800\900$ amps we tested here , and we are pleased people are just stuck on more familiar brands, that drives me crazy:( thanks Jacon Eli.
  20. katsooba

    Some new BTL info up for pricing and ordering...

    Hi Luke We are UK/European distributor for Fi. For more check out our website, www.bladeice.com thanks, Am. hey Am , i sent you an email about a month ago, didnt you get it? katsooba [at] gmail [dot] com ?
  21. katsooba

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    you do realize that the new magnet weighs like the old triple stacked magnet? if you triple stack the new magnet i guess it would weigh around 80++ lbs
  22. katsooba

    NEW BTL MAY 1st?

    it is great to see that Scott has time redesigning subs and always improving on product. cant wait for a new set of btl get out, progress is all that counts:) its not always good to stay on a regular course. great to see you here again Scott:) Eli.
  23. katsooba

    No answer?

    hey Scott, could you please look up my emails i sent you? katsooba[at]gmail [dot] com been trying to contact you for the past few weeks with no anwer please let me know thanks Eli.
  24. katsooba

    New Heatsink

    +1 for the small tweeter amp! that could really be useful!
  25. katsooba

    does a Q15 sound like this or is it just me

    Definitely get you subsonic to around tuning freq. the subs will thank you for it. u want the realy realy lows? get them in a sealed box i got two Q15" running in a 7CF sealed box, and hitting 10 \ 15 hz all day with no prob