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About Caldwell

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  1. Caldwell

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    Looks great. I know how my one 12 sounds and I can not imagine sitting in that truck. Nice work!
  2. Caldwell

    Charging XS Power Batteries

    ok, with you saying 12.5v is a bit low for resting voltage. I got an XS power D5100r in last week and I read the voltage when it got here and it was at 12.5. I put it on charger over night and it was charging up to 14.5v. When I would take it off the charger, it would drop back down to 12.5. I am using a CTEK Multi US 3300 that was mentioned earlier in this thread. Do I have a bad battery?
  3. Caldwell

    Door trim clips won't go back in

    Thanks Don and everyone else. I took a nice break from it and think I have figured out where the rub is. A few months back I replaced my 3" factory mids with some 3" JL coaxials for temporary use. The JLs mount differently and because of that, there was a little bit of added depth, thus making the door trim harder to get on. I will be taking the JLs out because my new front stage is bought so this will be a non issue soon. I just hope I didnt make the peg cut outs too big after having these issues. Thanks
  4. Caldwell

    Door trim clips won't go back in

    Thanks guys, it's an 08 Infiniti G35 sedan. I'm going to take another stab at it today. I'm thinking it might be too thick in some places. I will report back.
  5. Ok, I got a package from Don the other day and started deadening my doors today. I started with the passenger side first. I applied the CLD on inner doorskin outer door skin, cut the ccf and mlv and glued them together. I made small square cut outs for the clips and only a few of them will engage and clip to the door. I'm so damn frustrated with wrestling with this thing, any ideas? Maybe cut the squares around the clips larger?
  6. Caldwell

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    Does your interwebs not work until a certain time?
  7. Caldwell

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    Just D1 from what I saw
  8. Caldwell

    Outrageous Deal | 6-10pm EST | Tonight!

    oh thats some bullshit, I saw it for like 125, put it in my cart and it changed prices
  9. Caldwell

    Got my Icon in the mail today.

    I agree and thought the same thing when I received my sub back in August. But since then, it appears that they are taking steps to improve the packaging. The OP's was a lot more protected than mine was. There is progress.
  10. Caldwell

    Got my Icon in the mail today.

    BTW nice looking sub
  11. Caldwell

    Got my Icon in the mail today.

    UPS at it again. My Xcon looked worse when it arrived. The driver was flipping it over and over from the back of the truck, to the driver's compartment. I heard the whole thing from my door. THUMP.....THUMP.......THUMP....THUMP
  12. Caldwell

    1/0 XP WIRE

    ok, thanks
  13. Caldwell

    1/0 XP WIRE

    Do you guys have any of that Shok wire? Or are you waiting on it too? I need some 0 ofc to run batts.
  14. Caldwell

    5100 or 5100r

    Ahhhh ok, makes sense
  15. Caldwell

    IA Death Penalty 12

    Thanks guys. All I need is a second battery, then the build is on. I'll start a build log when I do it.