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Bizzy Beats

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About Bizzy Beats

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  1. Bizzy Beats

    Where can i find a good box for two JL 12w6?

    http://phattybassboxes.com they just got their website up and it's not completely done but they make very good high quality boxes.
  2. Bizzy Beats

    How to paint to the back of a port?

    it's a slot port. im just going to pre paint the port then. thanks
  3. I am building a ported enclosure and am wondering how everyone paint their ports all the way to the back. I have thought about painting the port before i put the box together but i just wanted to make sure there wasn't a better way to do it. My port is pretty small, 2.5" to be exact, so I cannot reach my spray gun inside it.
  4. Bizzy Beats

    port area.

    thanks that solves all my problems
  5. Bizzy Beats

    port area.

    I just wondering if there is a way to calculate how much port area you need? I know a basic way to do this is to have 16 square inches of port area for every cube of box volume. I also know that port area needed for a driver has nothing to do with the volume of the enclosure. so how would I calculate the right amount of port area for a driver?
  6. guess it's simple and I over thought it. thanks for the help
  7. I have 2 t2500-1bdcp's that I would like to strap together to run 1 smd 15" subwoofer. I haven't bought the sub yet because I don't know how to wire it to 1 ohm per amp. if anyone could tell me how to strap these amps together and wire the sub that would great.
  8. ok and they have better alternators? because DC has a lot of good reviews.
  9. it's a daily system. I will have to check out stinger. thanks for the advice
  10. Bizzy Beats

    sound processor?

    that's my plan but I do like to learn.
  11. Bizzy Beats

    sound processor?

    and where might I go to learn more about those things
  12. I am gong to be getting 4 Rockford fosgate t2500-1bdcp's and im wondering if there was a way to calculate exactly how much power I will need. I am planning on getting 2 DC 300 amp Spx alternators and 5 xs 2700 Batteries. will that be enough or does anyone have any other suggestions?
  13. Bizzy Beats

    sound processor?

    one I liked was the Morel Supreme SCW 636. Has anyone had any experience with this speaker?
  14. Bizzy Beats

    sound processor?

    awesome. those are good sites. do morel speakers compare to hertz In a way? I found some morel speakers that look pretty good.