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About yungw33z

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
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  • Location
    Hartford, CT
  • Interests
    CAR AUDIO, Making money, and living the life
  • Vehicle
    2005 hyundai elantra
  1. cargo box area *height* 41.4'' cargo volume to 2nd row is 90.0ft^3 its a pretty huge truck and yes i am willing to spend whatever i takes you get what you pay for so i'm already aware of that
  2. hey i wassup i have a 2000 yukon SLT "profile pic is the truck" on 26's i wanted to do 6 SMD 15'' subs in a clamshell box tuned @ 30hz with 2-3 400a alts and 3 runs of 0 gauge wire with at least 8-12 D3100's from Xs Power batts and a ABVM from Mechman any idea's of what i should do in this bad boy i also though about doing 8-12 SA12s from Sundown audio i want to run at least 18-25krms clean power in this truck so any ideas for subs and amps that will help me achieve this goal?