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Everything posted by Dfrancis24

  1. Dfrancis24


    can someone tell me how much a mayhem 15 sub surpose to way and how can i tell its a mayhem sub there is no logos on sub
  2. Dfrancis24

    Lots of things for sale

    Can't find what all you have for sale
  3. Dfrancis24

    Lots of things for sale

    What's ur fb you got any batteries or rf mids
  4. Dfrancis24

    dust cover

    i did emailed you, you sent it off a coulpe days ago thanks shawn
  5. Dfrancis24

    dust cover

    am looking for a AA dust cover for 15 imch sub? whats the price of dustcover and where can i get it from? thanks
  6. Dfrancis24

    help identify the sub

    ok guys/girls can someone tell me what kind of sub is this just picked it up i have a clue but not sure what it could be http://<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed583.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fss272%2Ftfrancis_album%2FSnapbucket%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="http://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s583.photobucket.com/albums/ss272/tfrancis_album/Snapbucket/" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
  7. Dfrancis24

    AA mayhem 15 tuning

    ok i purcahase one AA mayhem 15 and will like to know the best tuneing and cubic feet for hip hop,r&b,rap in a dodge magnum goals .spl & sq both . ported box
  8. Dfrancis24

    AA mayhem 15 tuning

    what kind of port you do ?
  9. Dfrancis24

    AA mayhem 15 tuning

    anyone got anymore opions on box spec
  10. Dfrancis24

    alarm/remote start hook up

    hi i have a clifford 590.2x and i have to addons which is the dual zone motion sensor 508d and digital tilt sensor 507m how do i wire these two to my alarm thur the optinal mux port for additional sensors
  11. i do second run of 4 it be easier
  12. does any one know how i would hook this up to the fan and my amp?http://www.darvex.com/store/pc/Stinger-Adjustable-Fan-Controller-63p195.htm#details
  13. Dfrancis24

    alarm/remote start hook up

    i lost the instruction i knoi have to use a diode when hooking it up but am not sure how to do it
  14. Dfrancis24

    Relay bypass for the AVH P8400BH?

    try the relay 85,30 to ground 86 remote from radio 87 to B.wire
  15. Dfrancis24


    what you mean by destroyed did they decide to burn all the solo x subs lol
  16. Dfrancis24


    There is a good chance, that if it was reconed and doesn't have a sticker, it's just because they were out of "AA" dustcaps and used the generic black one instead of making the customer wait for something cosmetic. As far as being a Mayhem or not, Nick will be the authority on that. thanks for seen eye to eye check your inbox
  17. Dfrancis24


    okay i broght it of this guy who works for dc audio and he seen stechy like he lied to me and said it was never reconed and the logo fell off but in realatiy it was recone by nick when he seen the pics and if the logo fell of you would be able to see the inprint and u cant see it so i dont believe the guy and if it was not a mayhem i want my money back
  18. Dfrancis24


    whats up with that warning stike i through people get on here to help each other even if they dont get it or not, okay i was told by nick it is a mayhem but looks can be deceiving so sorry am a newbie and need answers look at it from my point how would you feel if you brought this sub because everyone told you it was a mayhem 15 that does 2500w come to find out its a pyle sub that does 800watts it would be messed up right
  19. Dfrancis24


    not trying to be rude either but you need to go put your reading glasses back on i will break it down for you in slow mothe sub i have weigh 49 lbs repeat 49lbs and it surpose to be a mayhem 15 the website and the whole world is telling me the sub weighs 65 lbs and up that the reason for my questions the 12 mayhem 64lbs weighs more than my 15 dont make sense
  20. Dfrancis24


    i think nick is wrong i belive its a look like when i told him it weigh 49lbs he said my scale was off it ways over 65lbs so i went and got it weigh today by the shipping company and they also said it weigh 49lbs. i have all these question because i got money tired in this sub and i dont want to be ripped off or try to resell it as mayhem and the buyer find out its something else and i look bad
  21. Dfrancis24


    well the sub i have ways 49. lbs i used my scale and the shipping company scale so now is it really a mayhem or not
  22. Dfrancis24


    i forgot how much the mayhem 15 weigh can you tell me again please
  23. Dfrancis24

    help identify the sub

    can it be anything else
  24. Dfrancis24

    help identify the sub

    heres more pic to help http://s583.photobucket.com/albums/ss272/tfrancis_album/Snapbucket/