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Below 30

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About Below 30

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    Ontario, Canada
  1. Below 30

    New Additions !

    Them subs look wicked mang. More importantly though, your signature GIF, is one of the funniest things in a long time.
  2. Below 30

    New HT subwoofer

    I like the low tuning, always a fan of that. I would like to see a negative response to this project. Very amazing.
  3. Below 30

    Home > Car ??

    First off, DIY home audio is generally less expensive and for sure, way more efficient than car audio. For power you grab a Peavey or QSC amp that puts out 1000 watts x2 in 2Ohms(examples), approxamately for around $1000 (and this is Canadian price). Then a 200 watts x2 into 8ohms rated, pro amp for around $400 (Canadian). Everything else, is just the same as in car arena, in terms of building your sub and front stage enclosures and using car marketed subs. It must be made clear that I don't believe in one arena being better than another, in terms of what people like as a hobby. Based on facts though, you technically get alot more of your money's worth in the home. The fact that car sub enclosures are so small, is why so many watts are required, to get decent real-world db's out of them. I mentioned 1000w pro amps for home as an example, when that is really over-kill. Front stage in a car is basically the biggest joke. The speakers on the driver side is at the feet (normally), then the right-front stage, is all the way at the passenger side. There is no real world way to get proper imaging, with-out employing tactics, like using a balance control, which like an EQ, only degrades the purity of an audio signal path. Too many differences to list. Car audio is more a novelty, like being able to break-dance vs. walking. Walking is essential and efficient for survival, dancing is not efficient or practical for survival but it's cool as hell to see. Car audio on a technical level is inefficient, but it's cool as hell to hear low tones at high DB in public. If it wasn't for the subwoofer, there would,'t even be a reason to have to term "car audio" and have dedicated shops for them. All you would need is the factory system. One thing is for sure, car audio brings out the greatest DIY's in the world. When it comes to crafting sub-enlcosures and door pods and all that electrical work, to get hyped-up car system working. Is home better than car, on technical level, yes. On a general and preferential level, it's for each DIY'er to decide.
  4. Below 30

    Todays job...5 days later

    I just like the idea, of the work/effort, from scratch, put into the project. It's cool when you do this stuff yourself, then go to a random audio shop for kics and pretend to know nothing, and hear what they have to say.
  5. Below 30

    Hifonics XX - Olympus

    The close-up picture quality is wicked.
  6. Below 30

    Dave's Ride..............it's about time!

    What's that word again.........Oh yeah, very "clean".
  7. Below 30

    Fedex sucks...look inside.

    How is that slogan again..........Oh yeah; "Fed up, with Fed EX" My theory is that, the employees there, wanted to do a system up, DIY styles. They are married though and can't get their spouse to agree with the financial venture. So they figure, why should aynone else have wicked stuff. Those pictures are serious mang.
  8. Below 30


    I would like to take the time on behalf of all the forum members, to be thankful, for picture number 3. That should be a high priority -items-, in any audio setup.
  9. Below 30

    RL-p15 Box Part II (D2 with ol

    Big Skills! Lean the amp against the box.....ahhahahahahhahahhahahhahhahaaha.
  10. Below 30

    Home Theatre Stuff Arrived

    Those towers are just kicking mang. I like how Parts Express ships to Cananda, very nice.
  11. Below 30

    DUW!! Why I love metallic paint!

    The picture quality is kicking, with the high-res. I like the comment about not hiding the tag. When the vehicle is on the road, hundreds of people a day can see what it is. Plus, people can pass by anybody's home and see a plate number. The interesting thing, is how a front plate is not required in so many U.S. states.
  12. Below 30

    Interesting about ports...

    I'm back.....Random posts..... I find that funny, because it makes it seem like I was the top poster a long time ago. Or like I was one of the first people to join. I feel I'm just as random as always. A positive thing about that though is, I spend alot of my time listening to low-tones on my Tumult's at home, via music and video games.
  13. Below 30

    Interesting about ports...

    Simply, 808 refers to a music production drum and bass kit. It was made popular by Rap music. The typical trademark of the sound is the "boom" effect. It is basically the biggest reason OEM car audio is as large as it is today (or as interesting). 808 bass, is better reproduced on subwoofers, hence the need to upgrade factory systems. Plus it just turns heads from kilometers away. If it wasn't for 808 bass, this forum wouldn't have a subwoofer section and people wouldn't generally spend more than $100 on a speaker over 12" for their system. Nobody could argue the fact that 808 made OEM car audio what it is today, unless they use non-factual personal feelings to describe. 808 to OEM car audio, is what Dolby Prologic was to OEM home audio. Dolby surround made a separate subwoofer for the home, popular. Now, just like with car audio, it doesn't make sense not to have a separate sub for the home, as we realize now, that the front speakers were never the ideal solution, for the true bottom-end. Since 808 is from so long-ago and it's more a studio term between producers and engineers, it was never really a pop culture term.
  14. Below 30

    my new install

  15. Below 30

    Interesting about ports...

    One thing is for sure, The "booming" sound is a result of the way the track is produced. That is the "808" bass generally, so no matter if it's ported of sealed, you will hear it. If your listening to polka music with a bandpass encloser for example, will not hear any booming sound, because polka music doesn't use "808" kits in it's production. The fact is though, that the "808" sounds a little more pronounced in ported, because of power efficiency at the typical tuning ranges. In a sealed, you need to feed alot more power to hear it as well, at given decible level. If you read a graphic EQ display while playing "808" heavy tracks, you will see the most energy in the 40 to 60 hertz range. The overpowering of the "boom" sound is more a result of not setting the sub amp and mid-bass amp properly. The sub amp's gains should be lowered, to gain a better balance to the mids. Basically, a speaker and box are not going to create sounds to a music track, that are not there. Unless it's a rattling, as a result of equipment failure.