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Everything posted by kryptonitewhite

  1. kryptonitewhite

    pegging 122dB with Stained "Outside" with just the front stage

    maxing out the RS of 126dB DMX How's It Goin Down
  2. FOH, sorry but this has my Blair Witch, Paranormal, Cloverfield signature...Im gonna make you sick with motion. Scott, I didn't break the meter, I kept it below 129dB NO I did not sing at all, at the end I imitate Fred Durst after I turn it way down, it sounds like someone is there singing...isn't that the idea? This was the song I chose over a year and 1/2 ago to do my before/after. After, RS set to 120dB hitting +2dB: Before:
  3. kryptonitewhite

    pegging 122dB with Stained "Outside" with just the front stage

    If you don't like this video, please click the button to give me a bad rep rating! If you do like this song, please click the button to give me a bad rep rating! Thank you!
  4. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    I think it was the first coment I made, it's friggen creative, it's original... looks perfect... one of those "who wouldda though?" things. I was expecting a pin rack, gutters, and a bowling ball return in the center console :-P
  5. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    why not bro thats the fastest way out! clever little shit, like I said about the emoticon :-P WTF guys I am back up to 4 for rep! hehehe jerks
  6. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    well I know how hard it is to get high 40's below 30Hz, I didn't get too much props for doing it myself, but that dont mean I wont give it to you... thats why I've followed your build from the get go. My buddy Jeff is really big into asthetics...he loves to draw, he can take thin paint tape and chit chat while putting flames on a car in an hour well enough for them to go get it painted....he always threatens to steal the gold and red spray paint and come sand it, paint match, and even do my dash for me. I tell him thanks, but it's just not me If people follow "the attack" they should see from the beginning me giving props, me joking with you about the alt, then me noticing something wasn't right. Not trying to offend here: But if I was the mean guy catching someone who was the good guy thinking they were 11dB louder... under SSA rules that get shoved in my face that it's better to be a mean guy who knows better than a nice guy that is wrong and misleading other members...then I should have the good rep cuz I was the mean guy who knew something was wrong. I screw up all the time, not throwing rocks in a glass house... I like my bad rep
  7. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Thanks guys! I am at 0! Neautral! Keep them comin!
  8. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    With positive comments like that being rare on this forum, I am most happy to oblidge. Bygones be bygones. I knew something was not right. With theory of double cone area adding 3dB, I should be able to remove 2 of my subs and get 145-ish, and with that doubling airspace to the 2 subs, I could almost remove the AP3kW amps and do it with the 2 850.4s. When I was told "hey krypt, about that alt, want my address" I kindly said "lets see some proof". I was not shown proof, so I called him out again, nicely, and again, nicely... then it's more "I won!" videos that if you look close actually disproved. If he would have said "hehehe, hey krypto, I messed up!" I would have said "Hey RamRod, it's all good man! Your shit is still awesome, I still love it man! LOL!" But I was ignored, more disproving "I won" vids irked me more.... so i got a little more and more confrontational. RamRod, I apologize. I just wanted to get to the bottom, I felt I was being ignored, snubbed, and "I won" rubbed in my face. Won against who? Lots of other people with setups nothing like yours and mine? Glad we got it figured out. And I sincerely am impressed. No bracing, no wall, 2 subs, yet still only 3dB down from mine built like a tank. Good job, and I mean it. On another note, I have loved watching my terrible rep rating... I know I am no top dog, I am nothing really, but i know my stuff enough to know I do not deserve a rep like that. ....my goal is different, yes, so when i am running a turtle race.... all these sprinters give me the Campaign . My rep just dropped from 6 to 4. If some of you would be so kind as to give me more negative ratings, you'd make my day. i am KW. You made me, I am the obomination, and I am learning to like it
  9. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    scores? what freq? plug or "normal"? If I get no reply again, Ill just leave it alone and assume I made my point: that little home meter might just give me a 161 @ 15Hz, but at a comp with a TL 10dB is a HUGE gap. theres no response because there is no need to continue with this game you got going, I built my setup for what I want it to sound like and I am not tuned at 8hz like you. I am tuned at a normal frequency of which music plays. My amps are in locations that are safe for an amp to be in. My subs are a high output sound quality driver. and thats exactly what my vehicle is a high output SQ vehicle. I have my speakers in there proper location and it screams. I have my hardwood floors that look amazing. I am doing a 145.6 at 28hz on a TL which matches with my SPL labs meter. I didnt get my meter from radio shack it is a well respected company that has put hard work into there product and is within a tenth of a TL and for a much more respectable price. I am not competeing against you. nor do I care to truly respond to your crazy ways. I am over your arguments and ways of justifying. there, a little provoking to get some strait answers. if you want to call it a game, my game, go ahead. I flat out made the coment that i would give you my 2nd alt if you managed to beat my 25Hz score with only 2 18's and a tune above 30Hz without a wall. As of yet, I have seen no videos of you getting Term Labed at 25Hz, mine is posted on this thread. mine is set up to sound how I want mine to sound...so cuddos to BOTH of us my amp locations are not safe, yet I have had no issues? lucky me I guess. lets make this about amp mounting locations, shall we? my subs are high output SQ drivers as well, for a different application, yet I managed to beat yours that cost how much more? Don't worry, after I get the 2nd alt in, still being tuned to 23Hz..no port plug, i will beat your scores up high as well as down low. my install is the same: high output SQ vehicle. if you wanna get picky about staging and imaging ( speakers in center consoles apparently help better than in the ceiling?) then I guess you win, but for over all clarity and high volume, I'd beat you. proper location? what is the proper location for a speaker? How many people out there peek into your van and say 'thats not normal"? good job on your hardwood floors that look nice. at least yours looks better than mine, so if we go to a "who has nicer looking floors" competition at least you might win that one. Lets see your 145.6 on the Term Lab... last I saw was your 157 at 27 on that well respected home meter. um, my rat shack meter has absolutely nothing to do with any SPL I have done, or anything with my subs, my RS meter was to make fun of you. I am glad you arent competing against me, just cuz you win a bunch of comps doesnt mean your shit is good, it means you were the best one there. I wish I would have been there so you would have gotten 2nd instead. <insert clever facetious emoticon here like I just won>
  10. kryptonitewhite

    flex flex FLEX

    and my best flex video of ever all time, wait for it...
  11. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    scores? what freq? plug or "normal"? If I get no reply again, Ill just leave it alone and assume I made my point: that little home meter might just give me a 161 @ 15Hz, but at a comp with a TL 10dB is a HUGE gap.
  12. kryptonitewhite

    new and improved front stage

    I still wasn't getting the U shape I want, the tweets just weren't bringing up the top end...so I REW'ed the FR125S's with the LP off to see where they were getting me: 8kHz then they fell hard... so I set the LP to 8kHz and the HP for the tweets at a hard 30dB alpine and 36dB SX for a total of 66dB @ 8kHz, put the line driver back in and adjusted, now it is where I want it!
  13. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    I am getting too carried away on a fun-only thread, I know, but more rib jabbing to get your goat: I did 147.7 @ 23Hz, if I put a port plug in mine and dropped tuning to 19Hz-20Hz I could get a 146.1 at 20Hz :-P unless I did it on that other meter, then I could do a 157.1 @ 20Hz and a 167.1 at 47Hz with or without the port plug!
  14. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    was that a 146.1? what frequency? Looks like this video was 1 octave higher, yet 11dB lower. Also, keep in mind, I didn't realize you were using a port plug..not youre original build... to try to beat 148dB @ 25Hz :-O
  15. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

  16. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    most of my serial rapist friends choose carefully and have few victims but that of high caliber. 2 or 3 of them are more quantity over quality though.
  17. kryptonitewhite

    flex flex FLEX

    this was AFTER 140 cans of Great Stuff expanding foam, false ceiling, false sides, before rear brace added.
  18. kryptonitewhite

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    how many cones you been through so far?
  19. kryptonitewhite

    VEW distortion, sweeps

    cubdenno and others like to tease about having toggle switches so that I can kill each bandwidth separately. IDK how many times I couldn't tell if I heard clipping or just a really good combo of loud hard hits split up between the drivers so I listened over and over with extremis switch on, then FR switch on, back and forth. Worked well here too.
  20. kryptonitewhite

    VEW distortion, sweeps

    VanEQWizard Background noise floor fluctuates from 65dB to 78dB... pretty bad when nothing is playing! I can read these pics off PC but not from the threads so: 5.22% 300Hz sounded so much louder than 200Hz yet it was so much quieter... that is why KW likes a U shaped FR curve, more and more exaggerated as you get further from the middle 1.97% 1.97% 1.42% .844% .937% .253 .235 .235 .402 .217 .576 .229 .270 .259 .376 .208 .672 idk what happened .0343 IDKY but dist stopped showing here. I was clicking it though. couldnt even hear 18,000 so i stopped after it
  21. kryptonitewhite

    new and improved front stage

    bassed off these my version
  22. kryptonitewhite

    flex flex FLEX

    Thanks suicide, so i don't need to go drink a bottle of bleech and lurk a bridge for backup then :-P
  23. kryptonitewhite

    flex flex FLEX

    thanks Freshh! Love For Money hits 26Hz or 28Hz for the low note, one of my favorites!
  24. kryptonitewhite

    flex flex FLEX

    hmmm, no love for 3" roof flex, thought that was the certification of "cool" around this place
  25. kryptonitewhite

    IB build

    Thanks Luke! Good read! Any updates 95?