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About kingsham

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  1. kingsham

    6x9 Adapter

    Hello forum folks. I recently bought a pair of rockford 6.75s to throw in my rear deck of my Buick Park Avenue. Only problem I assumed they were 6.5s for which I had an adapter plate for to replace the factory 6x9s. I am willing to pay, but would anybody be able to make, preferably mdf, a 6x9 to 6.75 adapter?
  2. Thanks appreciate the heads up and information.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I talked to the guy who is building my enclosure and installing my system(much cheaper than the local shop) and he said he couldnt find one either. I went ahead and ordered the standard harness you mentioned in your post.
  4. Hello forum folks. I have a 2004 Buick park avenue that I am wanting to install a system into. I have run into one problem...I was about to buy a standard wiring harness when I was told that I would need a "data harness" due to my car having onStar even though I dont use it. If anybody has had any experience in installing a head unit into 2000 and up GM with onstar your assistance would be greatly appreciated. If anybody could link me to the proper harness it would be appreciated as well...as I am trying to avoid paying a shop $700 to install my system. Thanks
  5. kingsham

    Fi X 10s

    Thanks. Will do
  6. kingsham

    Fi X 10s

    Any suggestions on what type of power I should run to them and recommended enclosure size and tuning?
  7. kingsham

    Fi X 10s

    Here are some pics of the subs. Picked both up for $200. Solid deal. Any suggestions on enclosure build?
  8. kingsham

    Fi X 10inch Preproduction 3

  9. kingsham

    Fi X 10inch Preproduction 2

  10. kingsham

    Fi X 10inch Preproduction

  11. kingsham

    Fi X 10s

    Going to do that today.
  12. kingsham

    Fi X 10s

    Hello folks. I been a forum lurker for quite a while. I happened to run across a pair of Fi X 10 inch preproduction models. I have no clue as to the specs of these. A guy locally has them for sale..and I was very interested in them. Would anybody happen to know the specs(rms, suggested enclosure size) on the X's as I assume they were from the first run of the sub. Thanks
  13. kingsham

    Sub Searching...

    i would truly rather sound better...becuase i dont really care if people can hear me coming...i want it to sound good in the inside.....if its loud on the inside of the car im satisfied...so to RIckRolled's question i want to sound better.... But herein lies the issue...i would rather go with a single 12 ported...Both of these woofers are built for the low end, one is alot cheaper than the other....both seem to be quality products...what are the pros and cons to both woofers?
  14. kingsham

    Sub Searching...

    i sat in a truck wit to 10 inch FI Bls....turned up.... ive also sat in a truck with 3 or 4 JL Audio w3 12s and it was stupid loud.... basically im impartial to SPL numbers...as was said any sub can get loud in proper enclosure w/ proper power...both seem to be great subs...but there are a VERY limited amount of first hand knowledge on the IXL... just overall which sub is the better VALUE...(all factors taken into account)
  15. kingsham

    Sub Searching...

    I am really looking forward to getting my first system... Right now...im pretty set on a headunit...probably a kenwood(KDC-MP735U) or pioneer(DEH-P59000IB) But im looking heavily into Subs....Mainly the Mach 5 IXL(12.2 and 10.2) and the SSA Icon...i know there isnt a HUGE fan base for these subs but as far as getting loud...and sounding decent which is better...because i could spend 300 and get two IXL 10s but i would end up spending more money in the electrical system... I saw the Fisher Customs has a good box/woofer deal with the Icons.... All in all i want some clarity and some bass...but i dont wanna use my whole trunk up...thanks!