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About hawaiianbass

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  1. hawaiianbass

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    when i have a bracelet made from 2 awg power wire lying around when i have a crappy car and use money to fix the stereo, not the dents and rust when i want to blow up other peoples stock stereos because they SUCK when i have a rockford p3 magnet as a paperweight when i go to work counting the hours and days till i can afford a better amp when while people are doodling on hmwk papers, im drawing out box designs when i hear the word flex, i think of biceps and winsheilds WHEN I HEAR BASS FROM ANOTHER CAR DRIVING BY, I CAN FIGURE OUT THE SONG JUST BY THE BASSLINE!!!!!
  2. hawaiianbass

    myspace addict

    whos addicted to myspace? frek i still am. sorry if this was posted before. the only two windows i ever have open SSA and myspace
  3. hawaiianbass

    Weight loss and stress questions...help!

    wow must be a fast metabolism. i had the same problem, and even though my weight was dropping, i was eating like a horse, and i still felt weak. i looked good as well, but felt like complete crap. maybe theres other habits during the day that must change (sleep, vitamins) as with stress, it could be because of the fact that you feel weak and your weight is dropping. i wouldnt be the one to judge, but somehow find something that puts a spark back in your life. i usually lift weights to relieve stress
  4. hawaiianbass

    Dont you hate it.....

    when someone who thinks he knows a lot about car audio (and he doesnt) and has a lot of money braggs 24/7 about what he has? this one guy in my area has MTX throughout his car. i think he has 2 12 8500 subs and a 1000 watt amp. anyways, he always says MTX is the shiznit and that nothing even comes close. he also told me that MTX RULES the competition. i brought up RE and FI and he was like nope, MTX would KILL them all. lmao. this has prob been posted before with different people, but imo, it all depends on the install, and more so, the persons taste in music and what he thinks sounds good. im not saying mtx sucks, but im sure it is not THE ABSOLUTE BEST. everyone has their own likes, and he likes MTX. a little too much i say lol. that made my day
  5. hawaiianbass

    Girlfriend pain

    dont you hate it when ur significant other decides that after you ask her out, that she doesnt know what she wants, and decides to leave you stranded? i hate that, plus it feels like youve wasted time because the relationship wasnt meaningful at all. WTF MAN lol..... sorry it just happened lastnight and it still bothers me. lol.
  6. i see. so its good to have a high output alt? i dont think i can afford one, due to college funds, and i was thinking just a single batt upfront. anything really is better than stock. which one would be better upfront? (considering i cant afford the alt). I have access to both kinetik and optima here. unless theres some other brand (like the ones you guys sed) that i should take a look at? thanks for all the help guys.
  7. hawaiianbass

    newbie from hawaii

    aloha kakou everyone lol. i didnt realize how much people from hawaii are on here. nice man. i hope FI blows up in hawaii. they deserve to be recognized here
  8. Im planning on having a 2,000 watt rms amp (hifonics) hooked up in my 95 lexus es300. Im also thinking of a new battery. is optima a better battery than kinetik? or are they two different types of batts? sorry if this is a newbie question...lol.
  9. hawaiianbass

    RE SX vs. FI BL

    thanks. and how much cubes should i put them in? i had a 5 cube box with a 12 mojo in it and that barely fir in the trunk. this should be a lot more reasonable....
  10. hawaiianbass

    newbie from hawaii

    SIK man. Hawaiianbasshead is well known throughout. i think i have him on myspace too. rep **** FI. imma try do the same here.
  11. hawaiianbass

    newbie from hawaii

    sup man. late night yeah. jus got home from work. hows oahu sounds? FI there yet? FI is non existent on maui and RE is supposedly a joke. (they have no idea)
  12. hawaiianbass

    newbie from hawaii

    thanks guys. i see theres another one from hawaii as well. REPRESENT. lmao
  13. hawaiianbass

    RE SX vs. FI BL

    thanks guys. props to u man from oahu...im from maui. yeah FI is like non existent here on maui, and everyone laughs at RE (so far). they wont be laughing when i get them tho so do any of you guys know the weight of the sub? the Q that is. i think i may go stock on a Q. depends on what looks good at the time tho. my lexus's shocks are super smooth, so the car will drop with weight in the back lmao. thanks guys tho. much appreciation for any help.
  14. hawaiianbass

    RE SX vs. FI BL

    Hey im kinna new here, so sorry if this is a newbie question. im looking for 2 12's that will go in a lexus es300 trunk. it will be run off 2,000 watts for daily. i have been given the price for 2 sx 12's and i must say, $1100 is kinna expensive for me the BLs look pretty good to me. are the BL's similar (or better) than the sx's? and whats the weight of the BL 12? (the sx 12 is like 24 lbs) thanks for the help....