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About jaeguerra909v2

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  1. jaeguerra909v2

    Which amp

    Ap over hifonics for sure
  2. The guy seems like a really good dude but horrible product he dosent own a bench test like dc so he can't test the output of the alt I have had a few Buddys with 200+ amp alts from singer and they clamped 105 amps from it
  3. I would do the big 3 in 1/0 and add another battery in the back I noticed more of a difference in reserve capacity my dc alt didnt do much to me it was a waste of mo.ey
  4. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    Good shit then broooooo same company bro and build house bro lol
  5. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    Once again I never said they are ripping me off I'm not buying from them
  6. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    Same company bro yea I'm sure a lot of people woukdnt like showing map prices
  7. jaeguerra909v2

    sundown sa 15 skar vvx 15 or ab xfl 15?

    Looking for a musical daily sub bro an ""SQL"" let's say I do t want pure sq or pure SPL that's why I thought aa havoc since they are musical aa can be
  8. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    Not getting TEAM PRICING (since you already corrected me) is getting ripped off? Bingo $400 for a 1000 watt rms is absurd its ok tho I've seen my buddy's shops price list and see tbier cost map and retail its crazy how Much money some people make
  9. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    They didn't rip me off bro since I didn't buy from them let's just say that I have payed less for a woofer that has 3 times the power handling first off this thread is going no where just like every single thread goes on a forum once again all I asked was what's the best way to contact fi I got nothing but love for their woofers and all this negative posting has nothing to do with anything lol
  10. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    No troll is the one who runs their mouth about something off topic and picks a childish fight lol I started this about how I can get in contact with fi/aa then people begin to get butt hurt because I don't want to buy from ssa and get ripped off that's my choice on that one and u take it all defensive because I ask for team pricing on a brand that I will be running
  11. jaeguerra909v2

    sundown sa 15 skar vvx 15 or ab xfl 15?

    My buddy which is a world champion has told me the difference between a sponsorship and team pricing which he has had both lol. Like I said sponsorship they give u everything for free to represent that company team pricing is I guess as u say a form of sponsorship I still wouldn't consider it
  12. jaeguerra909v2

    how can i contact aa/fi??

    U assume right smart guy lol I knew there would be a troll in the group gotta love forums I compete within my region I keep it in cali I have been to every single show down here I went to finals last year would have went again this year if Wayne Harris didn't think that Indianapolis was the "half way point" for every one in America but yes I do compete on the regular
  13. jaeguerra909v2

    sundown sa 15 skar vvx 15 or ab xfl 15?

    I was looking for team pricing BTW a sponsorship is where a company gives u their product for free to promote them lol never had a sponsorship
  14. jaeguerra909v2

    sundown sa 15 skar vvx 15 or ab xfl 15?

    Those are looking like my choices at the moment so I'm trying to get a little knowledge on other woofers I have no experience with I have heard the fi q fi btl aa havoc aa mayhem so I am asking in woofers I have not heard and maybe other people have experience with
  15. Any one had experience with any of them I've heard a ton of good things about the ab xfl not sure what route I'm going to go will be in a sealed clamshell I want to be able to slam lows but still put up a decent number