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  1. penguin3820

    15" btl box recommendation

    ALSO, I have a question in terms of battery. I have a 260 amp mechman alternator. I am running an hk4000d and going to be a big 2 channel amp havnt decided which one currently just a p400.4. In terms of a battery would I be ok with just a d3100 up front for now and then get a 2nd battery when I have the cash?
  2. penguin3820

    15" btl box recommendation

    I have a 2004 F150 super crew. I dont want a blow through and I am thinking about taking out the middle rear seat and putting a center consoled 15" there. I currently have 2 10" Qs under the back seat but I wanna go louder so I need someone to help me design something width needs to be 17" - 17 1/2". and height there is plenty of room id like to keep it under 30" and there is enough depth for 30". Iv been messing around on the rockford boxwizard and im looking at possibly a wedge type design with a flat on the back top of the box with aero ports and then the front facing sub.
  3. penguin3820

    f 250

    is the 2700 your only battery? or is that the 2nd battery? and can you post a couple pics of yours?
  4. penguin3820

    f 250

    there is from what I remember about 17-18 inches in the center console spot. Do you think that is enough?
  5. penguin3820

    f 250

    How does this sound? i wanna do somethig similar in my f150 with a 15" btl
  6. penguin3820

    FI subs in my silverado 2500HD CrewCab

    if you have the 60/40 seat you can flip up the one side seat or remove it entirely and that is plenty of room for a 15" btl. Its what im about to do to mine after my alt gets here and i get a new battery. I already have the sub sitting here
  7. penguin3820

    need advice on buying a home theather system

    depends...are you looking to do like a in box all together package or piecing one together yourself?
  8. penguin3820

    Which amp and speaker set up shud I run?

    You'll need to be a little more respectful around here if you expect to keep getting your questions answered. Please improve your grammar as well. x 2.. there is a lot to learn from people on here. and everyone is willing to help as long as your respectful and willing to listen
  9. penguin3820

    Fi-Ford Console/Enclosure...STEALTH

    i keep regretting getting the solid center console with the shifter there in my 04 f150...it would make life sooo much easier now to do a console front of the cab to the back of the cab
  10. penguin3820

    random question

    I like that option also. what size battery are you talking about? it would need to be a decent size? for 2000 watts
  11. penguin3820

    random question

    wow...that one is 200 bucks more. So would I be fine fo 2000 watt system getting the 100 amp inverter and then probably a powermaster d1200
  12. penguin3820

    random question

    sorry wrong link http://www.cascadeaudio.com/power_converte..._converters.htm
  13. penguin3820

    random question

    ok. This is the biggest one I have found http://www.cascadeaudio.com/power_converte.../aps-100-lg.jpg How many batteries would you say I would need? I can never remember the ratio of the watts to amps.
  14. penguin3820

    random question

    So i will need a battery charger then wire up a couple batteries?
  15. penguin3820

    random question

    I am not tooo interesting in using a home theater receiver and all of that. I moreso like the concept of putting a car system in home. Not for the outstanding theater surround sound just for the deep loud bass and all that. I was wondering what places like Best Buy and other places use to run their display system. I am looking moreso for like a brand and model. I am assuming they use power supplies but the only ones i have found are small ones for computers. And if possible I would like to avoid getting a battery charger and battery(s). I intend on at least 1 rf power 1000 5 channel amp. Maybe a large four channel and a 1000-1500 rms sub amp. Im looking for total system power about 2000. any help or info is welcome