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About metaljoey

  • Rank

Profile Information

  • Real Name
    joey crain
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    cars and bitches!
  • Vehicle
    2004 sebring
  1. metaljoey

    Team IAK metaljoey 99hoe 4 18zv4s taramps 8k 4th order

    I have tweeted all the settings in the hu to my liking. And went through every thing with my dd-1 and it came to life! Unfortunately the LEDs did not approve and took a dump! Lol oops
  2. metaljoey

    Team IAK metaljoey 99hoe 4 18zv4s taramps 8k 4th order

    Sick! Can't wait to get her back!
  3. metaljoey

    12" zv4 o.d.

    Thanks man!
  4. metaljoey

    12" zv4 o.d.

    What is the total outer diameter of a zv4 12" minus the gasket? I have 13" to mount them in. And no, Im Not talking bout the cut out for the hole to mount them in the box. Lol
  5. metaljoey

    just saying hay to IAK!

    chop told me bout this IAK team site on here last night. so i wanted to stop by and show my respect chop and to the team!