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Everything posted by Jpangkilla

  1. alrite i got everything hooked up at 5 this morning, i turn the key on, everything powers up, and there is a loud screeching popping sound coming from all my mids/highs, i unplugged the rca's from my mids/highs amp and no more screeching both the amps are ok now and i have bass. so we thought i had a bad pair of rca's so i went to the store this morning and picked a new pair up just got back to the house and hooked it up and same chit... anybody experienced anything like this before im clueless.
  2. Jpangkilla


    Ya, put me on the list as well, would love to add on to my AA apparel collection.
  3. Jpangkilla

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    OK dude, whats the song in this vid it sounds so sick. Edit: Nvm i just watched the whole video and now i see what it is, I love the box though man, nice work.
  4. Jpangkilla


    That's what I like to hear, just make sure you save some juice for sunday. I've been wanting to listen to that beast for a minute now. Is Lil Jon going to be tearin it up at the AA booth again this year? Heard some crazy stuff was in the works as usual. Cant wait to see what he has this year.
  5. Jpangkilla

    AA Assassin 10" Displacement

    Hey guys, I need to know how much space the 10" Assassin displaces. I was sure I would be able to find it on the AA website, or on the Internet somewhere, but no luck. If someone happens to know the answer or could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate the help.
  6. Jpangkilla

    AA Assassin 10" Displacement

    ya that is the number i used in my calculations, so according to that i am getting .66 cubic ft per sub. The sub calls for a minimum of .6 cubes so I think i should be good to go. If anyone thinks that is not sufficient, speak now or forever hold your peace.
  7. Jpangkilla

    AA Assassin 10" Displacement

    hm, the SSD is a bit beefier than the Assassin, but ya it should be just bit less than that i guess. If anyone knows the exact number though that would be awesome. I wonder why they dont have it posted on the site?
  8. Jpangkilla

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    no plans for it yet its just takin up space in my room right now cuz its not exactly working. but I AM A have to get it checked out i guess and if its just sumthin small ill sell it.
  9. Jpangkilla

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    hm wow i wonder if thats whats wrong with mine, but no im building a sealed box for 6 10" AA assasins i loved the havoc but i want to change it up a bit and see what kind of results i get, im still going to use my sundown 1500 to power them because it has done very well for me so far. These are going in the back of a civic so its going to be a squeeze but everything seems to check out so far. Just have to get a hold of shawn and get the subs, i think thats going to be the hardest part lol.
  10. Jpangkilla

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    lol dang, here in ocala we get busted for 5% and only a strip on the windsheild. but anyways when you get the build done i would love to hear it, its lookin awsome keep it up.
  11. Jpangkilla

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    wow how did u get my cat in that pic lol
  12. Jpangkilla

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    wow ya same here coils and everything looked good, i tried poppin it with a battery and nothin happened so its the sub for sure but not exactly what.my buddy talked to mr. fleming about it and he said it was prob the tinsels but they look good from here so idk. gonna start workin on my new box soon neways prob not gonna worry about the havoc too much lemme kno if u find anything out tho.
  13. Jpangkilla

    Check Out What UPS Delivered Today!!!

    A bijillion watts. Depends on enclosure, settings, and stuff. I give mine around 1500 and it took it quite nicely. Until it mysteriously stopped working O_o Thats really wierd mine just mysteriously stopped working too.... i had 1500 on my havoc 15 as well, was ridin down the street listening to some three 6 mafia, then all of a sudden no bass. oh well im going to be running 6 10" assasins very soon.
  14. Jpangkilla

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    dude what state do u live in and how the hell do u get away with that tint, i want it.
  15. Jpangkilla

    JoeRod's 34 10's Loaded Horn

    dude thats awsome, ive been wanting to see this for a while. looks sicks tho wish i would have been around then to hear it
  16. Jpangkilla

    Fi vs MTX

    if circuit city or best buy carries it i wouldnt buy it
  17. all that sounds good, def recommend a bigger starter battery, as well as the components, they will be a very good investment. and as far as the HU i would go with an alpine, and somthing that has 4volt preouts the 9885 would do nicely, i wouldnt go with a pioneer tho their rca outs suck i just found that out the hard way last week when i got my system in. great choice on the sub tho u will be very happy with it.
  18. i would recommend it, the pioneer rca outs are chit.
  19. ur right it wasnt the ground, what i did to fix it makes absolutely no sense at all but i wrapped some bare speaker wire around the 2 rca shields for my mids/highs on the back of the head unit and it killed all the noise...... not sure why but it did, so just a head unit issue i guess, pioneer sucks. but my system is sick, props to AA and sundown audio for makin great chit, i couldnt be happier with it.
  20. alrite I AM A check my grounds i think it may be the one off my amp im gonna do it better and if that dosent work i guess ill go buy a ground loop isolator and see if that changes anything.
  21. alrite, i found the problem with the screeching noise, one of my speakers connectors on the back was touching metal in the door panel somehow, but now i have another problem lol... im getting engine noise out of my sax 100.2, i have the rca's for both my 1500d and the 100.2 on the same side (opposite of power wire) and im only getting noise out of my components. and i have a pioneer headunit.
  22. Jpangkilla

    My 16 12" Havoc's

    oh chit thats me in the florida hat good times, pipos truck is nutts
  23. Jpangkilla

    thinkin to step my game up

    will sound much better than a btl as well
  24. Jpangkilla

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ya usually they are fine at first but after a little use they go to chit, i would say something good about my phone now but i dont dare jinx myself.