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About trey803

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  1. trey803

    rl-i 10" ported or sealed

    Im def. not a noob to car audio but dont have the space to fit that box Looks like Im going sealed. Any recommendations on how big. Ill probably build two one to the manufactures optimal spec and one a lil bigger to try and get some more low end out of the sub
  2. trey803

    rl-i 10" ported or sealed

    yea thats why I was thinking about using an aero port but I have no experience with these
  3. trey803

    rl-i 10" ported or sealed

    Factory recommendations: Acceptable: 0.4 - 0.95 cu ft net volume sealed 0.3 - 1.2 cu ft net volume vented, Fb = 22 - 36 Hz Optimal Car: 0.65 cu ft net volume sealed 0.45 cu ft net volume vented, Fb = 27 Hz I notice that the optimal vented box is smaller than the optimal sealed. I was thinking going sealed b/c of space issues but if going ported will really be smaller should I do this. Im also thinking aero ports and need some information on how to calculate what size I would need to tune to 27 hz. Does anyone own an rl-i if so what kind of box is it in?
  4. Factory recommendations: Acceptable: 0.4 - 0.95 cu ft net volume sealed 0.3 - 1.2 cu ft net volume vented, Fb = 22 - 36 Hz Optimal Car: 0.65 cu ft net volume sealed 0.45 cu ft net volume vented, Fb = 27 Hz I notice that the optimal vented box is smaller than the optimal sealed. I was thinking going sealed b/c of space issues but if going ported will really be smaller should I do this. Im also thinking aero ports and need some information on how to calculate what size I would need to tune to 27 hz. Does anyone own an rl-i if so what kind of box is it in?