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About ImaSlacker

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  1. ImaSlacker

    Wtb 5k amp

    I messaged you sir
  2. ImaSlacker

    Fusing and wiring

    Question on wiring and fusing. I'm going to get 2/0 scha cable, from my 320a alt to my batteries I I fuse 2 times on one run right? And you add up the fuses on the run, for example if I had to use lets say 500a on the run I'd do 2 250s on the run, one by the alt and other by the battery? Just trying to be safe and get it all right
  3. ImaSlacker

    Wtb 5k amp

    How much you looking to sell one for
  4. ImaSlacker

    Wtb 5k amp

    Looking for a good 5k amp for under 1000$ Let me know what you got
  5. ImaSlacker

    crescendo bc5500 for sale 800$

    Still available?
  6. ImaSlacker

    Pure audio amp

    I was going to get a crescendo 2000 but I saw the pa and the guts inside the pa aren't the same as the ap 3000 but ill see how it does and get back
  7. ImaSlacker

    Pure audio amp

    I think it will prob be better then my crunch gpv 2100 lol
  8. ImaSlacker

    Pure audio amp

    True lol I guess I could review it and see how it is
  9. Just asking if anyone has used a pure audio pa 3000.1d amp http://www.xplicitaudio.com/pure-audio-pa-3000-1d/ It looks nice but just seeing what people have to say about it, haven't found anything on it except for 2 reviews on their site
  10. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    or this one?
  11. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    would one of these boxes do?
  12. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    Probably thru the inside of the car
  13. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    Think you could have a design by Friday?
  14. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    Yes just saying that's how much room I got lol
  15. ImaSlacker

    help for dual sub box for 2 SA 10s

    its a coupe not a sedan and the whole trunk size is 15 nearly 15 cubic feet