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Everything posted by SpeakerBoy

  1. SpeakerBoy

    Help me out eh...

    derr I left that part out Yeah that would help you will prbably find me strange for this, but i will have the box in my room. a requirement i left out was it has to be able to fit through a door way. i am using the visonik drivers from this box: http://www.millionbuy.com/visvb212pkw.html same amp too, if that matters
  2. SpeakerBoy

    I need help powering the BEAST

    i have one vice, that is spl... i cant stand soft bass it has to really hit so of course i just put gain at 8v and vol on pc at max and at that point, it isnt the amp's fault, it is the amount of amperage i have going to it. (one 4 amp box and three 1 amp plugs) when my bro (big into audio) tells me i need upwards of 250 amps. i tested this with my friends dad's car batt. and well, it works but MY dad is so paranoid about acid and the floor, that he says it has to be a power supply or no go. so thats my problem. hope that isnt TOO confusing lemme know whatcha think
  3. SpeakerBoy

    I need help powering the BEAST

    yes i have a budget, around $150
  4. SpeakerBoy

    Free Bandpass Designs

    do you have anything in a dual 12 ported 32Hz box? ty for lookin
  5. SpeakerBoy

    soon an 18" xxx and tsunami

    f-ing a finally lol a person besides me that has even heard of mudvayne and let alone likes them!!!
  6. SpeakerBoy

    18" RE SX

    anything below 50 lbs for an 18" woofer is probably bullspit no offense to anyone...