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Tyler E. Hickom

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About Tyler E. Hickom

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  • Location
    Cartersville, Ga
  • Vehicle
    2002 Saturn SL1
  1. Ok let me find a work around. I want a sub that rattles my eardrums and makes my body vibrate while being able to hear me coming from a block away
  2. Thank you Impious for helping me out tonight. I will def. look into getting a custom box for my sub which i am currently still open for suggestions to!! and also will make sure that i keep the bass boast at zero...unless what if i was to get a more powerful sub that could handle the the raise of the bass boast (the RMS increase) from my sub.. ?
  3. What kind of settings should my amp and head unit have? or say should have had?
  4. Well first of all the box that I use is Sound Ordnance BB12-150v, The Input sensitivity is 100mV-2V, The Subsonic Filter is around 36Hz and the bass boost has been close to +13DB. The first sub that I had failed due to mechanical. The second one which failed today I don't know what failed on it. I did check all connections, fuses and wires. Hooked up a sub to my amp and made sure it was my sub but other than that, I do not know what went wrong on the Kicker. Where did you have the gain set in that range? Bass boost should be at zero. You had it set to +13 ? Does your HU have any adjustements? What HU do you have? As Q said, you overpowered all of the drivers which is what lead to the failure. The problem that lead to that situation was likely improper system settings. The input level was about 4/5 turned. I did not know bass boost should be at zero. My HU is a JVC KD-S48, I do have adjustments on the head unit.
  5. Well first of all the box that I use is Sound Ordnance BB12-150v, The Input sensitivity is 100mV-2V, The Subsonic Filter is around 36Hz and the bass boost has been close to +13DB. The first sub that I had failed due to mechanical. The second one which failed today I don't know what failed on it. I did check all connections, fuses and wires. Hooked up a sub to my amp and made sure it was my sub but other than that, I do not know what went wrong on the Kicker.
  6. So I have a SoundStorm (SSL) EV4000D. I've had it for about a year and a half, and never have had a problem with it, except that I have blown two Subs with it. The first one was a Pioneer TS-W3002D4 which lasted about 8 months and then the most current one which blew today was a Kicker CompRT12. So i need suggestions of what kind of sub i should get because obviously the last two were a fail. I want something that will thump my price range is up to $250. Hope I can get some feedback.