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Everything posted by ohio45113

  1. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you are half as smart as you think you are. You would ignore his comments completely. Talking shit to someone that has a actual addiction problem is the wrong thing to do. You can find out the hard way or realize it before something stupid happensIf you would please go back to when Mike joined and realize that we have tried on NUMEROUS occasions to encourage him to get help. To get off the bottle and get things straightened out. Yes it is not an easy thing. That being said, enabeling someone with a substance abuse problem by acting as if their actions are without consequence is much worse than addressing the issues at hand. J Look man we all know he is fucked up. And we all know why. Lets not hold. That against him.
  2. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    If you are half as smart as you think you are. You would ignore his comments completely. Talking shit to someone that has a actual addiction problem is the wrong thing to do. You can find out the hard way or realize it before something stupid happens
  3. ohio45113

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I found it through smd forum
  4. ohio45113

    sundown coaxial speakers

    Wait another 2 months and pay twice as much. Sound familiar?
  5. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lol. Im tired of you talking shit to him. I bet $100 he can whoop your ass.
  6. Box is fine. Smd or not. Your expectations are above your equipment.
  7. ohio45113

    corosion on negative batttery post?

    Coca-Cola works just as good. Spray it down with some squirrel piss. Aka wd40 and ur good to go.
  8. ohio45113

    got 1.5 cubes for sealed / need advice on subs

    How can you read that?It looks fine on my screen as well. I'm not seeimg the black background that your saying. Are you on a phone or a computer?Phone. Checked mobile and full site. No issues either way.
  9. ohio45113

    got 1.5 cubes for sealed / need advice on subs

    How can you read that?It looks fine on my screen as well. I'm not seeimg the black background that your saying.
  10. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Dead on what i do
  11. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Best hang over remedy. 1 zantac 150. 4 migraine pills. I like advil ones but its up to you. Then do a couple shots or chug a couple beers. Follow that up with some greasy food and a good nap.
  12. ohio45113

    wtb sundown 4 channel amp

    Give the the amp and sothing else for the icon motor and fosgate ampI'm going to cincy vapors sometime next week. I can stop by and we can wheel and deal
  13. ohio45113

    wtb sundown 4 channel amp

    I'll trade/sell mine if you make me a good deal.
  14. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Drink whiskey. You can get smashed and pass out faster. Giving you more time for sleep and more time in your free day.
  15. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Poison ivy is a mofo!! I got that shit on my ballz not long ago pissing in the woods hunting for yellow root.. I did not want to go out in public unless I had to because of the the rude need to itch..It is bullshit hope you don't get it.Stop washing your ass on everything and it will not get on your balls. Lord.Btw, I am immune. Fun woods game for me to play with it and then touch other people. If I don't like you don't come in the woods with me.... I used to get it like crazy when I was younger. Now i can rip vines down with no issues at all. Apparently your immune system can change. You sure you are ripping poison ivy?Positive.
  16. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Poison ivy is a mofo!! I got that shit on my ballz not long ago pissing in the woods hunting for yellow root.. I did not want to go out in public unless I had to because of the the rude need to itch..It is bullshit hope you don't get it. Stop washing your ass on everything and it will not get on your balls. Lord.Btw, I am immune. Fun woods game for me to play with it and then touch other people. If I don't like you don't come in the woods with me.... I used to get it like crazy when I was younger. Now i can rip vines down with no issues at all. Apparently your immune system can change.
  17. ohio45113

    Lee's Avalanche Build

    Wasn't going to insult you with sympathy. Was going to offer a job opportunity if you were close by.
  18. I personally wouldn't buy it without testing it first. I would tell him that you will give him $50 for it. Unless he can show you it works.
  19. ohio45113

    4 DC lvl 5's, CRESCENDO, SINGER, 04 YUKON

    Your crazy man, that's the best part its a new plan or goal or way to get better at the craft. Like a new canvas for an artistLol yeah your right. It's not that bad. It always seems like i need to drive the car I'm puttimg the system in.
  20. ohio45113

    4 DC lvl 5's, CRESCENDO, SINGER, 04 YUKON

    God i hate that part. I hate getting a new car and have to wire and deaden everything. Looking good though.
  21. ohio45113

    Lee's Avalanche Build

    What state do you live in?
  22. Thats pretty pricey man. I'd look around some more.
  23. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lol never seen or heard of a deer eating other animals.
  24. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Semantics on my end but I understand why it makes all the difference.I just dislike deer for anything other than meat so the more dead ones... Well hooray. Filthy animals. I have not had northern deer before I wonder if it taste different?I've had both and i couldn't tell amy difference. Here in ohio the deer get pretty good size. I've shot and ate deer from ohio, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas. I've ate deer from all over the country. It all taste the same to me.
  25. ohio45113

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Spam and Buttwiper are the two top selling items at NASCAR races. Need I say more? And Americans love Nascar. Need I say more? Got to be the most boring shit ever to watch on tv until a big ass wreck happens I can't sit still that long being hyper active.I have never attended a race in person maybe it is different idk.I hate Nascar but i went to a couple races at Kentucky Speedway. Never seen a lap. One hell if a party. Was insane.