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About stevie

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  1. stevie

    amp suggestions

    any other suggestions?
  2. stevie

    amp suggestions

    well box is 5.02 gross and 3.75 net. ports like 25 inches long I belive. 4 inches wide and 15 tall. I had a friend design it (as I don't have the math rapped around my head yet to design a box. but I can build one with my 2 hands
  3. stevie

    amp suggestions

    2nd one lol.but id have to plug the hole front side where the 12s where and cut a new hole on top for a 15. right now its in my other car with 1 hole pluged and a incriminator lethal injection 12 in the other. but im having a box built for it right now should be able to pick it up in a few days.
  4. stevie

    amp suggestions

    I plan on running a obsidian 12 or 15 in my 94 grand prix 2dr. I have a box meant for 2 12s, 5cuf gross 3.75 net. I can either put the 12 in there. or plug both wholes and cut a hole for the 15 on top. either way the box is temp. anyways I need suggestion on a amp for it. don't want to spend anymore then $200. i don't buy used and i don't buy off of fourms. i don't have a paypal and don't want a paypal.
  5. threw it over in the other car with the Q1200. put it to 1 ohm, set everything. great little sub but I need the lows, so I AM A sell the 8 instead.
  6. im not chasing a extra 100watts. those where the cheapest I found that I liked that many people say put out pretty much rated power (on correct electrical. im asking are these good deals, or can you show me better. for about the same money
  7. got a sa8v2d2 in my 94 grand prix and its running on a friends kicker dx250.1 at 4ohms. so maybe seeing around 150rms. way to little for this little beast. so which one of these 2 amps would be a better deal, or recommend me something. wanting to stay in the price range of thee 2 becauce I plan on upgrading to diff subs in a few months. and im trying to save for a x10 in my 99 grand price. kinda hard when no one wants to buy a lethal injection 12..... reason to go to a 10 is I want to save more trunk space, and I love the lows.
  8. stevie

    New from NC

    member on **** and SMD thought id come over here and see how people are over here. history to current system. first system was 2 12 MTX thunder 4000s on a TIS T510pk 5 channel. was in a Small prefab. then built a 5.5 cuf tuned to 32hz. was in a 96 s10 blazer Then I bought a 99 Pontiac grand prix GT 4dr. bought 2 SQ HDS212s and a Q1200 for it. Traded the hds212s for a sa8v2. but bought a Incriminator LI12 first to put in the HDS212s place. Traded the 96 blazer for a 94 grand prix 2dr. Put the sa8 in there and its running on a friends Kicker 250.1 wired at 4ohm so its not even seeing 200rms lol. now im trying to sell the LI to buy a X10 and upgrade to 1/0 and do big 3. then after that buy a proper amp for the SA8 and play with it before I sell it and get a X8 when they drop.