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About bphnn

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/22/1987

Profile Information

  • Location
    San Leandro, Ca
  1. bphnn

    Titan Sundown Audio Install

    great equipment, great install, just great !!
  2. bphnn

    What would you do with 100k tax free dollars?

    With 100k... I would pay all my debts (credit cards, school loans), keep enough to put me through the rest of college, and give most of it back to my parents.
  3. bphnn


    lol creative.
  4. Holy chit, I could never tear apart a AMG like that, but verry clean install. how does everything sound ??
  5. bphnn

    my little machine

    holy chit
  6. bphnn

    Project Land Rover

    come one lets see them pictures !
  7. bphnn

    Logo Design Contest

    x2 those are the best so far, wish i was creative.
  8. bphnn

    Hello from New Zealand

    Welcome to the board, looking forward to see that celica complete.
  9. bphnn

    2 15's Setup 2400watts. updated

    Looks like everything is coming togethor well. Keep up with the updates.
  10. bphnn

    System im thinking about getting

    thanks for the tip on cdt's on ebay never would've looked.
  11. bphnn

    How did you guys find SSA???

    found ssa while looking at sundown amps through youtube and i've been to the site everyday since. Find something new to learn about everyday. love it.
  12. bphnn

    kickin ass and breakin glass.....

    haha, at least you gave the lady $20. what a nice fella. nice KICKER license plate
  13. bphnn

    Welcome to the IHoP

    HAHAH did u write that
  14. bphnn

    Now Playing!

    kanye west - i put onnn
  15. bphnn

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    ... when your spending thousands on stereo equipment on your girlfriends car.. when you don't even have a car...