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john denver

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Everything posted by john denver

  1. are they single 4 or dual 4 for dual 4 they way you stated will work
  2. john denver

    Noob Question on ssd15

  3. john denver

    Dirt Biking In the Snow In The Desert

    its like looking through a door
  4. john denver

    It's Nov 2nd

    Lame reason
  5. john denver

    It's Nov 2nd

    I voted, Think there where more people voting this year then two years ago. Took me like 40 minutes to get through the line this year. Last time i was only there for like 2or 3 minutes total
  6. john denver

    18 q box idea needed

    he said sub facing up
  7. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    you're image isn't coming up for me just says posted images
  8. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    Has anyone tried the new line of Precision power PC.15. Was wondering if they would be very reliable and if thet could handle their rated power for extended periods of time. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_23663_Precision+Power+PPI+PC.15.html?utm_source=froogle&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=froogle
  9. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    maybe next time
  10. john denver

    where do you hook up the volt meter to

    hook it up at youre amp that will show you the voltage the amp is geting
  11. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    If i dont like it it was just $200
  12. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    ok....be cheap been their done that. Rather pay the extra for a nicer sub just what i would do specially a ssa sub little suckers are amazing! Where can i get a new 15" ICON for $229. Tryin to confuse me by puttin youre response in the quote huh . Not trying to be cheap just wanting to try out a different sub. Just wondering how he is comparing subs as being basically being same price when ther not. If i was trying to be cheap i would use the AQ subs i already have or the RD subs or the Sundown subs or the kicker subs. Just wanting to try something different. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/15%22-SSA-ICON-15D1%7B47%7DD2.html $295, close enough to $229. Add shipping to that and its about $100 difference
  13. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    ok....be cheap been their done that. Rather pay the extra for a nicer sub just what i would do specially a ssa sub little suckers are amazing! Where can i get a new 15" ICON for $229. Tryin to confuse me by puttin youre response in the quote huh . Not trying to be cheap just wanting to try out a different sub. Just wondering how he is comparing subs as being basically being same price when ther not. If i was trying to be cheap i would use the AQ subs i already have or the RD subs or the Sundown subs or the kicker subs. Just wanting to try something different.
  14. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    Where can i get a new 15" ICON for $229.
  15. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    just ordered one will see how i like it
  16. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    was it the pasmag review i saw it in their mag thats what got me intrested in it.
  17. john denver

    Precision Power subs

    That i know. The aluminum dust cap is to help with cooling as they state, Just looking to try another brand of subs and that one seemed like it was at good price was just wondering about reliabilty of the brand for there subs.
  18. john denver

    name that case

    I found out what it is email is slow Logisys cs308
  19. i am looking for the brand and model of a computer case the only picture i could find was of one with steve meads logo on the side just looking for a plain one though
  20. john denver

    How to wire a DVC in parallel.

    If you have a dual 2ohm sub make sure you're amp is stable down to 1 ohm. If so that would be more of a load on the amp but produce more power. If youre amp is not 1 ohm stable wire it in series would put less of a load on the amp but produce less power.
  22. We are all good know thanks Phi and shizzon