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About Chrispy

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  1. Chrispy

    14th buisiness day

    I'm on week six of my wait for my BTL's... I'm in the US by the way.
  2. Chrispy

    14th buisiness day

    So you placed your order 4 months ago???
  3. Chrispy

    11 business day!

    What sub did you order? I've been waiting since September 10th for my BTL's which have yet to ship......
  4. Chrispy

    Want To Change Order to Dual 1 Ohm.

    I'm going to stick with my original order of D2. Hopefully my flip flopping hasn't pushed my order back. Today is four weeks...
  5. Chrispy

    wheres my sub??

    Damn.......... Ordered my BTL's on Sept. 10th and was hoping they would be here any day now...
  6. Chrispy

    Want To Change Order to Dual 1 Ohm.

    Ok, I'll stick with dual 2's.
  7. Chrispy

    Want To Change Order to Dual 1 Ohm.

    Exactly, I agree. I will be using two RF T4000's. At first I was going to run each at 0.7, but have decided it'd be safer and more efficient to run each at 1.4 ohm. So I need dual 1's instead of dual 2's. If it's too late I'll just do 0.7 on each amp which is what I've been doing the last couple years so far with great luck/listening habits. I want to wire D1's in series, instead of D2's in parallel. Are you strapping the amps, or one sub per amp? Either way you will want d2's so each amp will see a 1 ohm final load. BTL's aren't true 1 or 2 ohm subs. It's 0.7 or 1.4.... Right???
  8. Chrispy

    Want To Change Order to Dual 1 Ohm.

    Exactly, I agree. I will be using two RF T4000's. At first I was going to run each at 0.7, but have decided it'd be safer and more efficient to run each at 1.4 ohm. So I need dual 1's instead of dual 2's. If it's too late I'll just do 0.7 on each amp which is what I've been doing the last couple years so far with great luck/listening habits. I want to wire D1's in series, instead of D2's in parallel.
  9. I placed an order for two BTL 15''s on Sep. 10th. I ordered dual 2's but would like to change that to dual 1's. Is it too late? I emailed sales as well as sent a PM to Shawn a couple days ago but have not heard back. Would someone from Fi please contact me.
  10. Chrispy

    2 18 fi q vs ?

    Build a new box for your current BTL.
  11. Chrispy

    2 18 fi q vs ?

    I have a feeling that a new and better ported box for your BTL will be louder than two Qs sealed, but the Qs would sound better.
  12. Chrispy

    new set-up over q's...suggestions

    I find it odd you thought the 15s sounded worse. How long have you used them? Maybe the 12s are broke in more and you just need to give the 15s a little more time to loosen up.
  13. Chrispy

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Strip Club-Young Buck Hoods Run Down-Lil Whyte Lowest lows I've ever heard (felt) in any rap.
  14. Chrispy

    Vented or backseats?

    I say go sealed in the trunk. Take it slow, going from a single sealed 12 to a ported 2x18 wall is a big jump. 18s sealed is still a big jump. Especially if you don't have any experience building a setup bigger than a single 12.
  15. Chrispy

    Ported Q15's

    How does that AC compare to a TL?