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About rmoore911

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  1. rmoore911

    Door Panels with E8s

    pretty damn cool. . .wish i had room for 8s in my doors. .
  2. rmoore911

    How good or bad are US AMPS compared to other high end amps

    i know this will probably sound bad, but how unbiased of an answer do you expect to get out of this question, when you are posting in US Amps official forum. . .
  3. rmoore911

    I got $10...

    stolen? on ebay? never. . . you take that back
  4. rmoore911

    Single Cab Truck Build possibilites

    no kidding. . .i'm 6 ft and its difficult to get a large box behind the seats. . .hope this guy isn't any taller than that
  5. rmoore911

    The webpage is up...

    waited a long time for a site update, and there really isn't much there. . .hope the site gets better. . .
  6. its difficult enough to find 200w X 4 @2 ohm . . .or atleast an amp that performs as well as it is rated at that level. . .
  7. rmoore911

    DC Sounds Christmas Group Buy

    so how long is the group buy going on. . . i missed out on the other one and i was looking picking up some new subs for the new year
  8. rmoore911

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    They work in TINY enclosures... 99% of the people that bought them before the close-out sale used them in truck boxes. 0.5 ft^3 with some polyfill is no problem... could even go a hair smaller with a denser poly stuffing. my biggest concern is i'm a big guy and i need all the room i can get in that truck of mine. . . if i go with three of them, i can make a box that will give them about .48 ft^3 each, but if i go for 4 of them its closer to .38 ft^3 each. . .and thats if i put them in one common chamber. . . i might be able to go slightly bigger, but i'm thinking only .1 or .2 ft^3 each at the very most. . . the price you pay for being a large man and loving to drive mini trucks i guess. . .
  9. rmoore911

    Sundown Audio SD-1 "Blowout" Sale

    i'm lacking alot of space in my single cab truck. . . so i'm thinking the twelves are out of question. . .but what do you think the smallest enclosure size that the 10's would work in well. . .i'm thinking 4 of the 10's would look nice behind my seat right now. . .
  10. rmoore911

    new to fiberglass

    no problem. . .i've been trying to work on some kick panels and a center console for my sonoma since May, but with the heat and humidity the way it is, i haven't gotten anywhere. . .nothing like sitting in a metal box thats 120 degrees after sitting in the sun for a couple of hours. . . and look at the post above this one. . .that is a decent outline of the procedure. . .
  11. rmoore911

    new to fiberglass

    take a look around http://www.fiberglassforums.com/ plenty of knowledgeable people on there and some great build logs of projects that you might find helpful
  12. rmoore911

    I'm An Official AA Fanboi

    i remember when chad had the contest for the logo and he showed the finalists. . . i wasn't really digging any of the choices they the were looking at
  13. rmoore911

    Happy 4th of JULY Debut

    i'm predicting a summer of '08 timeline for the website to have a real update to it. . .as long as i've payed attention to AA, they have never been big on updating their website on a regular basis. . .even when they were getting new products out. . .
  14. rmoore911

    Enclosure recommendations for 12" Atlas

    sorry, i had mine behind the front seat of my single cab sonoma. . .i wouldn't even to begin to imagine how to place that sub if i actually had room for it in my truck. . . give it a little bit. . .i imagine since you have that room, building a ported enclosure might open up that sub a little more. . . i'm sure someone on here can offer some advice, just wait a little bit. . .
  15. rmoore911

    Enclosure recommendations for 12" Atlas

    i had my Atlas in a 1.5 cube truck style box and it sounded fantastic in that much space. . .the box was sealed and i had around 400 wrms going to it. . .i imagine 300 watts will do just fine but i don't remember what the recommended enclosure sizes were for the Atlas anymore, i think my 1.5 was a bit large for sealed though. . .