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Everything posted by arntsmag

  1. Looking to see what options I have for a 2013 honda accord sport 2.4L.
  2. ????? I sent in a quote on mechmans website amd didn't get a response either, is there a better way to get an answer about this, say, call them?
  3. Looking to see what my options are for a 2013 accord 2.4L....basing the system off what the alt options are.
  4. arntsmag

    fi q 12 passive radiator

    Wondering if anyone has matched a passive radiator with the Q 12 before? If so what radiator, if not is there any recommendations? Looking at making a home theater sub
  5. arntsmag

    SP4 now up!

    Wow...it can go in a sealed box too!! That will be interesting to hear
  6. arntsmag

    fi q 12 passive radiator

    I was actually looking at that tc 15 as an option. Was wanting to do a 15 instead of 2 12s so I could achieve a lower fs. Wonder if that dayton 15 would be over powered considering that radiator was designed for the matching low profile sub with a 4 or 500 rms ?
  7. arntsmag

    box size. question

    i have 18 cu to work with after displacements, and im wondering if that is enough air space for 4 bl 18s or do i need to step down do the bl 15s?
  8. arntsmag

    box size. question

    what would you use for the MIN on the 18s ???.....
  9. arntsmag

    box size. question

    also my tuning is going to be 32hz
  10. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    any input would be nice..if you had to pick, 4 q 12s on 6k ported or 6 12s sealed on 9 k?
  11. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    It's realy install dependent. The q's can definitly get real low in a seald box. I got a q 18 and it gets loud and low. But still in the end it is all about buildig a quality box to get the sound you want. so you personally, would you do 4 ported or 6 sealed?
  12. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    but i bet the bl woud be louder then the q.....the sensitivity is a bit higher on it
  13. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    i just figured that with an fs of 33 and an xmax of 28mm for the q and a fs of 39 and an xmax of 18mm for the bl that the q would win that 1.....no idea tho.?????????????
  14. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    so can the bls play lower then the qs, without having to go much bigger with the box?
  15. arntsmag

    4 fi q 12s ported or 6 sealed

    overall , sound quality but didnt know if i could get about the same output with a ported box with 4 instead of the 6 sealed. and also am wanted the most low end out of it as i can so i figured ported again, but ive never used the q before so i have no idea. i hear that it will do just find sealed on the low end but we all know ported is the way to go for the lows.
  16. arntsmag

    2 fi btl 12s or 15s help

    thanks alot for the help
  17. arntsmag

    2 fi btl 12s or 15s help

    Im asking this question on here because i cant seem to get fi to email me back, but im wondering before i order, is a 7 cube ported box too small for 2 btl 15s? if not, what HZ would it need to be tuned to?. i figured it might be a bit small so ill probably have to get 12's but i have never played with these subs..thanks
  18. arntsmag

    2 fi btl 12s or 15s help

    i honestly listen to everything. i mostly prefer SQ type of music. i had a dd 9512 in a horn loaded box with 4K daily and sound quite nice with my mids and highs (12 pairs of jl tr 6.5s) and got real low, but got to hear my buddys btl 15s and liked them alot. thanks for the help man