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About RandyJ

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/12/1987

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  • Location
    Suffolk, Va
  • Interests
    Car Audio, electronics, cars, engineering.
  1. RandyJ

    12w6 vs 13w6

    I am aware of what winISD does. I said ignorant because I am unfamiliar with actual useage of the program. And I need not apply your formulas, Vas is given by JL.
  2. RandyJ

    12w6 vs 13w6

    We did some ignorant plotting/testing in winISD alpha and noticed similar results. Only worry is that it would be a little too loose/sloppy for what he wants. We'll try it and see what he thinks. And Denim, the reason I was asking was simply to see if users had noticed a significant gain in performance simply by goin with the 13w6. With the minor increase in Sd, the Vas seems to increase quite a bit, giving me the impression that the increase probably is worth a bit extra.
  3. RandyJ

    12w6 vs 13w6

    Also, what size boxes are yall using for LSQ with the 13 and 12? Any comparisons as far as the JL spec boxes?
  4. RandyJ

    12w6 vs 13w6

    I have a buddy who is about to make a purchase and would like a w6. He's wondering if the 13w6 is worth the extra $90 on egay. I don't have any personal experience with them, so what do yall say? Were going to go with either the JL spec sealed or ported, whichever sounds better on the amp he bought. What do yall with experience have to say? Any help is appreciated. Randy
  5. RandyJ

    Nice site

  6. RandyJ

    I'm back too!

    If anyone noticed I was gone, I started college, and didn't think the audio addiction would be good for my quickly deminishing funds. I'm broke now so I don't have to worry, so I'm making a comeback Anything big happen lately? Any new brands pop up, the tumult been used in a vehicle yet, anybody else a daddy?
  7. RandyJ

    where in the world

    Don't know if you remember me, but I was n00blet on caraudio.com. I left there and then while I was at it, I managed to kick the Audio habbit since it would severely hurt my financial status whilst in college. I now have $0 to my name so I don't have to worry Anywhoo, good to see you're back, I think I may come back as well. Sorry for the misfoutune and glad everything is working out now.
  8. RandyJ

    I'm going to be a dad...

    I somehow manage to push audio and these websites off to the side for college and you end up a daddy, sheesh man Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, will you now have a wife as well?
  9. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    2 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) show yeself guest!
  10. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^^ was like 12, and i ran into FC female doges when i tried to post this the first time
  11. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that time was 5
  12. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    its taking me approx. 15-20s to reload the page after i press "add reply" on here. Anyone else still got the problem?
  13. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Really, pissing me off.
  14. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    FC depends on my connection eh? Well this 3mbps cable connection is starting to piss me off.
  15. RandyJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did yall know that Japan is one of the few industrialized countries that has not adopted DST? Whata yall think abou tit? There are actually people who are trying to get rid of it. Ya say yay or nay to that idear?