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About crazycaraudio305

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  1. crazycaraudio305

    Rockford Fosgate Compoents

    ok well ill look at that T400.2 and still going for the RF Comps but how does this sound 2 sets in the front door...
  2. crazycaraudio305

    Rockford Fosgate Compoents

    oh ok.... thanks but im planning on getting 2 HDC315 and either 2 2200D amps or the new 3500.1 which i heard can put out 4300 @ 1 ohm.... im planning on getting a 300 amp alt and oh yeah how many batteries should i get... ive been looking at the XS power 3100s.... should i get 1 or 2 to power the amps
  3. crazycaraudio305

    Rockford Fosgate Compoents

    ok.. thanks for the reply.. i might go with that amp but what your saying is drop my rear door speakers and get 1 set of good components for the front.... but what about the rear speaker pillar in the back behind the back seat....
  4. crazycaraudio305

    Rockford Fosgate Compoents

    hi i recently bought a 96 jeep cherokee and i am planning on putting a system in it... just got to start of with the components... ok i have a 4 door jeep with a rear pillar with 2 5.25 and im just planning on leaving the rear pillar alone anf just getting components fro the 4 doors and amplify it.... Im looking at 2 sets of these 1 set for the front doors and the 2nd set for the rear.... Rockford Fosgate T152S Component Speakers - Car Speakers at Onlinecarstereo.com im really confused on the amp those.... ive read alot of forums saying use a 2 channel amp and ive read forums that say use a 4 channel amp.... i dont really know which 1 to use... well heres the amps im looking at.... 2 channel Rockford Fosgate T400-2 Amp: 2-Channel - Car Amplifiers at Onlinecarstereo.com 4 channel Rockford Fosgate T400-4 Amp: Multi-Channel - Car Amplifiers at Onlinecarstereo.com Thanks... please tell me what you think and please give me any opinion you have on which amp i should go with....thanks again
  5. crazycaraudio305

    Fi Products

    ok... i know i keep on switching my subs around... but im just going to stick with Fi Audio... im looking for a Sub that has good SQ and still get loud and have decent lows as well im looking into 1 15 Fi Product that will run off a AQ 2200.... im looking at the Fi Q but i know its a Sq Sub but how is its lows.. does it get loud..... im also looking at the BL and the BTL... i've heard that the BTL event though it a SPL monster i've heard it still sounds good... i just want to ask people with experience with these subs and ask them how they like it and which one is a good match for the AQ 2200.. Thanks
  6. crazycaraudio305

    Havoc 15 vs FI Q 15

    hi my firends is trying to see which sub is better in ""SQL"" he is looking at an FI Q 15 and a AA havoc 15.. he wants to know which hits harder and which one has better sound quality...... and does anybody know how much a Havoc 15 would cost cuz i looked it up on their site and it does tell you how much
  7. crazycaraudio305

    which one?

    hi im looking into getting fi subs but i dont know which one can anybody help... i am going to get 2 12s of which ever one i decide on getting im going ported @ 32hz... this system is going into a honda civic trunk.... but the subs i was looking at was the FI Q series and the FI SSD series but i dont know which to choose i am going to get the BP power to which ever one but the thng is i want 2 subs that wil hit hard and that have good sound quality so i guesss im just looking for ""SQL""..... can anybody help me on some good componets aswell im going to buy a a Hifonics mono 2000 watt amp... so i can give 1000w to each sub thanks
  8. crazycaraudio305

    From: Havoc vrs Fi Q comparison

    ok thanks
  9. crazycaraudio305

    From: Havoc vrs Fi Q comparison

    hey does anybody know where i can get a Havoc...... i might get one just want to read about it first....
  10. crazycaraudio305

    need help on good sub

    Hi i new to the forum and the reason why im posting this is because i cant figure out which sub fit my needs..... I want a sub that has good sound quality so i was looking at the FI Q but i also want a sub that can hit hard as well... this is going in the trunk of a honda civic and im shooting for a size 15 maybe 2 15 but im not sure if 2 can fit in the trunk... also can anybody help me on considering good components...
  11. crazycaraudio305

    need help on good sub

    Hi i new to the forum and the reason why im posting this is because i cant figure out which sub fit my needs..... I want a sub that has good sound quality so i was looking at the FI Q but i also want a sub that can hit hard as well... this is going in the trunk of a honda civic and im shooting for a size 15 maybe 2 15 but im not sure if 2 can fit in the trunk.... can anybody help me on considering good components...
  12. crazycaraudio305

    need help on choosing a good subs

    Hi i new to the forum and the reason why im posting this is because i cant figure out which sub fit my needs..... I want a sub that has good sound quality so i was looking at the FI Q but i also want a sub that can hit hard as well... this is going in the trunk of a honda civic and im shooting for a size 15 maybe 2 15 but im not sure if 2 can fit in the trunk.... can anybody help me on considering good components... Thanks
  13. crazycaraudio305

    1 FI Q 15 vs 2 12" Alpine Type R

    i have been doing some research and i know have come up with these to subs but i just dont know which one to choose... im a sound quality guy but i know both are sound quality subs but i want a setup that i can enter a local comp in but i dont want one that will shake my car apart... can anybody help me decide.....