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Everything posted by Hell-Razor

  1. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    I am not 100% sure on it but right now I would like to keep it under 2500 (Thats including a cd deck). I am working as much overtime as I can now (part time college on the side job) to up that maximum. I may be able to get away with 3000, but I would not like to at this point (it changes weekly I would say).
  2. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    Lets just toss this in the bunch ... I am listening to Pendulum - Tarantula. Youtube it as I am not sure if I can post that on the forums. I enjoy that type of music and listen to it almost daily. I also love dj billy e's cds... I tweak my 10" to his "beats for my van" song. Even though my 10" can barely keep up it still sounds nice.
  3. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    To be honest I am looking for something that will be good in a small bassrace competition. I know the guy that won it in my city last year...did not have a good system. I enjoy listening to some bass cds but I also enjoy other music as well. I am looking at something well rounded. If I put in a rap cd I would like it to sound as good as it can be. If I put in a bass cd and crank it up I want to turn heads from the car in front and behind me (you know what I mean...). I would like to feel the air moving in my lungs when the bass hits. Now I know I will NEVER hit the point of where people can hardly breathe (one of Steve Meades Videos....) with my budget (and I am ok with that). Mainly what I want is to turn heads, get a lot of wow's and not be laughed off the lot of a bassrace if I ever go to one...
  4. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    heh. Anybody from the Chicago area? I am about two hours north west of that in Wisconsin...
  5. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    Ok I did not know, I didn't mean any offense...
  6. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    Alright. I want good power behind my subs. I was doing a lot of research in another post (General Questions) in this forum. So if I listen to other music than rap, RobClay recommended the Q series. Which is alright I like the way those are as well. Wat size would you recommend Rob? As far as what you're saying jrod1050. I have been reading up and people are saying that a sealed box will make it sound cleaner, is this what you're implying? I have read plenty of box designs and know what the 18" BTL will require. Building boxes is no problem at ALL for me, so give me any kind of diagram and measurements and I will build it it perfect and exact.
  7. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    oh man...31 batteries? I would live to see your build (in person). So what about batteries for me? Should I get two and just stick with the stock alt?
  8. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright I figured out that the stock alternator puts out 90 amps. Now If I get two high end batteries daisy chained I somehow don't think it will still be enough to keep up with the BTL....ug.
  9. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Ok. I was actually driving home and decided to do just one for now. Thanks for the input. I should be ordering here pretty soon. Sense I am just getting one, would you guys still recommend upgrading the alternator and getting two batteries? I have been asking around trying to find somebody to help me out installing all of this and getting advice. The local shops I have found that are not mainstream are looking to charge me anywhere from 400 to 700$ which I think is a complete ripoff. I know I am going to want an equalizer wired into the car because otherwise I may run into problems with blowing speakers (so I am told). My friend said he may be able to get a really nice one for super cheap through his work. Also I was told that a capacitor may be enough to hold a good charge to what the single BTL will require (and therefor eliminating the need for a super high quality alternator or a second battery.) Again I know I don't know much about this stuff. I learn by hands on and fiddling with thing, not by going to websites and reading. Thanks for all of your guys patients and I hope I haven't pissed anybody off with my noob questions.
  10. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Thanks. The only reason why I said it was to try and make it clear that I was going to need a lot of help. Not for pity or to push people over the top. I guess now that it was not needed and I feel guilty for posting it.
  11. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright I just measured the trunk. It is 40in x 40in x 20in. I am looking at box designs in about 5 minutes to see if I can put a box for two BTL's in. If I cannot then I am just going to get a single and put as much power as I can to it without blowing it (also will save me like 500$ ish)
  12. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Thanks a lot for all of your guys help. Looks like I didn't understand everything. Back to more reading I go. It sounds to me like I would need 2 aq2200d for 1 sub. I am pretty sure if I look into it there may be a way to wire one amp from 2 to 1 ohms but that is just a guess. My main goal is to get one BTL sometime this summer, get it put away in a nice ported box, upgrade my alternator and battery, get a good cd deck and get it bumping.
  13. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright I think I figured it out after reading bcae1.com. I would need two of those amplifers because the sub is expecting 2k watts at 2 ohms. At 1 ohm the sub would be getting 4k watts. Sense the amp can do 2 ohm and put out 4400 I think it would turn into 8800 for single ohm (bridged). The sub(s) would then be wanting 8k watts and I would be giving them 8800. Am I completly off here or is my mind kind of grasping the correct concept?
  14. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Will one AQ2200D be enough to power one BTL 18"? I have been searching but I cannot find specs or even a website on the AQ2200D amplifer. Just forums saying that this is the best amplifier to get for the money... [EDIT] I found their website. 400$ for an amp isnt bad. But I cannot find the specs for them. STill wondering if one amp will be enough to power one sub (without underpowering)[/EDIT] http://www.audioque.com/aq/order.htm Alright sorry once again I found the information but I am not sure about this... 1 ohm power 2200 x 1 1 ohm Power @ 16V 2500 x 1 http://www.audioque.com/aq/AQamps2200D.htm I dont understand why I would need 2 ohm when it says 1 ohm power is 2500 x1. The 18" BTL's have an RMS of 2k watts... But BKOLFO4 said I would need 2 ohm power so then... 2 ohm Linked Power @ 14.4V @ 1% THD 4400 x 1 That is linked though...I am not sure on this. Ill read up on the 12v website when I get home to see if it helps any.
  15. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright. I kind of really want BTL's though. From what I have heard about them and everything they are the best bang out there. What amplifier would you recommend then? My budget can be expanded but I would not want to spend huge ammounts on it. I guess the amp is the most important part of the entire process so I cant be stingy on it.
  16. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Well I guess my questions weren't too general. But I have found some information. The car is a 2002 Volkswagen Passat. HUGE trunk space, probably the most I have seen in a car. I looked under the hood as well, there seems to be more than enough room for a second alternator. 1) I have figured out that I should get the cooling option on the BTL 18" because its recommended. 2) The HiXmCoil...again I don't understand it but its recommended in the 15" and 18" versions so what the hell, I am getting it. 3) Daily option. Enough said 4) The Universal option seems to be in case you want to change the ohms around. Not sure why I would want to do this but I may want to eventually, so Ill take that option. 5) Ive picked the SAZ-2000D amplifier. Somebody else was asking for what amp with the BTL 18" and juslivin said that would be a good amp for under 500$ (about my limit for an amplifier as well). The only question is is would it be enough to power two of them? I don't want to under power the subs at all. 6) I am pretty sure I found the deck I want in a Crutchfield magazine. Ill get the magazine again and post it later. Those are just the questions I had that I have found. I am still looking but suggestions are still welcome (and needed). I still don't understand the Dual 1 or Dual 2 ohm option.