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About TheSundownFire

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  • Birthday 01/08/1992

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  1. TheSundownFire

    Chevy Cavalier, Kerfed Port Build, 12" BTL

    I approve. Continue.
  2. TheSundownFire

    Chevy Cavalier, Kerfed Port Build, 12" BTL

    Hello friend. Im watching this. Ever thought about flaring the top too kinda like ***** *****'s "Squaro" port in his Honda?
  3. TheSundownFire

    Homemade D-Block Question

    I don't see a problem making your own as long as you make sure it can't short to any grounds...... anyways...... NO you don't have to step down to 8 from 4 just because ur splitting off.... in fact i'd recommend keeping the 4awg throughout.... Now the 150 is good, the fuse is for protecting the wire being used, not what it's powering..... use 150 and if you begin blowing it you'll know you need to up the wire to 1/0....... Ok thanks.
  4. First question, Im thinking about making my own D-Block out of some bolts and nuts and what not, I have a run of 4 gauge from the battery, is it necessary to step down from 4 gauge to 8 gauge leaving the D-Block? The runs after the block are a foot at the most. Second question, what fusing should I use at the D-Block? I know 150 amp is recommended for 4 gauge but idk if theres a difference if its being distributed.
  5. TheSundownFire

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Sub looks familiar . I was actually really surprised when I saw that my Type R was taller. Get this bitch in now!
  6. TheSundownFire

    Sundown Z15 D2 and D4 Close-Out Special

    If baggedcavi is the guy I sent this way then he probably needs 2 or 4.
  7. TheSundownFire

    jay-cee's Build Log

    What is the J-body site if you dont mind me asking? When do you think you will go get metered? J-Bodies are Cavaliers and Sunfires and I probably wont get metered to spring since all the dBDrag around here is shut down til it warms up and I still havent found a shop close enough to test me. I linking my build thread in the Z15 thread.
  8. TheSundownFire

    Transmission line enclosures

    From what Ive read (which isnt much) on T-Lines is that they are sort of one note wonders and youll need some sort of equalizer to make it sound right.
  9. TheSundownFire

    jay-cee's Build Log

    Im also tuning high because of a little competition Im having on the J-Body site. 145dB or bust. But Im done not adding anything of value. Good luck and Ill be watching.
  10. TheSundownFire

    jay-cee's Build Log

    I wasnt trying to tell you how to tune. Ive always been told 35 35 35. Maybe its just the guys I learned from. I had a 22hz box for about 6 months. Lows are nice but I hated how it would just die and get flat anywhere above 40hz. Its hitting pretty close to where that box was. But its your car.
  11. TheSundownFire

    Cause of "moving air"

    So basically youre saying that since the air in the rear is pressurized it moves to areas of low pressure ie the doors or windows because that is what the tendency of gases and fluids is?
  12. TheSundownFire

    3 Way Component speakers - witch do you prefer?

    Im not getting emotional. I dont really feel I gave any wrong info. Ive learned from some very experienced people and have never heard any bad things about passive networks. Besides lack of tunability but since the OP isnt looking for super high SQ then passive seems more suited for him.
  13. TheSundownFire

    2 Sundown Z15+RD 2200.1 Build

    I just got my Z15. VERY nice sub. Beefy as hell and gets loud and low.
  14. TheSundownFire

    jay-cee's Build Log

    You should bump the tuning up. The Z15 is wanging pretty low and Im tuned somewhere around 35 or 36 hz. Just advice from a fellow Z15 owner.
  15. TheSundownFire

    Power Acoustik the company

    Hmmm my Sundown Amp says "Made in Korea." Guess its junk.