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About ztkraptor

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  1. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    learn to read peoples posts, I contacted Hifonics and they TOLD ME THAT THE LEVEL WAS NOT THE ACTUAL GAIN!!
  2. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    The only way this amp is clipping is if there is a voltage drop across the board when the sub hits, I don't notice it, lights don't dim and there is no distortion. the level matches the input from the HU. DMM method won't work correctly for some reason with this amp. So I was doing it by ear. The volume I was getting from the sub isn't enough to clip it and isn't enough to do really any damage. new sub, i'm not going to drive it hard. As i stated before, warm is a relative term compared to the temperature outside. the only solution is to test with my oscilloscope and also test the voltage under load. It still doesn't explain the pine char smell i'm getting.
  3. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    Seeing as nothing but douche bags are on, I'll just have to wait until i get to the office tomorrow and hook up the Oscilloscope. thanks
  4. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    LOL you can mspaint all you want, you have no clue what or how an amp works its apparently clear.
  5. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    My god, can' you read? I SAID I DON"T HAVE THE BOOST CONTROL(which hifonics says is the real gain) even hooked up to the amp.
  6. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    I do realize that alot of people on this forum don't have a clue what they are talking about. I don't have time to teach you about electricity and wave forms. here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gain this will help.
  7. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    You're a reall pucking prick kid ^ apparently the forum edits foul language My badd.. I retract that... I actually was not trying be a prick, but come on... I went as far as getting the manual and highlighting the section that you need to check... Then you got all e-gully on me... What did you expect? if you read what i pucking said, I stated..I said that I already matched the input output voltages. And I also said that hifonics said that the real amp gain is from the control remote. get your guido ass off of my topic if you have nothing constructive to say. Sorry mommy and daddy didn't buy my shit and have it professionally installed like yours did.
  8. pucking guido, sorry that my parents didn't buy my shit and take it to an installation bay. You probably have no clue how electricity works, have you ever used an oscilloscope or even know what one is?

  9. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    You're a reall pucking prick kid ^ apparently the forum edits foul language
  10. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    Thanks, the Level is set to that of the HU. Sub is barely audible I have no external control knob because external knobs destroy things I can't understand how I am clipping a signal. It isn't making sense.
  11. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    You even highlighted the damned thing and you still call me stupid..jesus kid
  12. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    Jesus christ, as i stated if you could read, I said that hifonics said that the ACTUAL gain is from the external control knob. they stated that you want to match the output of the HU to the level control. I'm dumb and you can't read?
  13. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    So, how do i clip a sub with a 1200 watt rms amp? there is no distortion, and the sub isn't turned up high. also, warm is a relative term when its 36 degrees outside.
  14. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    OP, what are you doing?? You laugh, but have you seen the back of a Hifonics Brutus Amp? There is no gain setting, there is only an input voltage, phase, subsonic filter and a low pass filter. http://www.maxxsonics.net/manuals/hifonics/pdfs/HifonicsBrutus2009AmplifierManual.pdf check it out before you laugh and judge.. The back of my amp looks exactly the same as the 1610 or that series of amps. Yes I know that the "level' says gain in some instances, but once matched with the HU output level it isn't loud at all I'm currently not using the sub remote feature(aka knob) there is no real gain feature, From what i have read, the external control knob is the real gain. so take your roflmao someplace else?
  15. ztkraptor

    Sub Box Smells

    Thanks for the responses. Tomorrow after work I'll take the sub out and check things out. I'm thinking it could be the very very tiny wood particles that the vacuum didn't pull off the wood. Its about the only explaination. I don't think I'm overdriving the sub because I havn't had it very loud. I think i need to pickup a 2 ohm resister tomorrow and fine tune the amp.. It's a hifonics amp and I can't find the gain anywhere on it..so it baffles me. It's possible the Liquid Nails wasn't fully cured and its just pulling some of the fumes out of the joints and cooking them up, I waited over 24hr before installing the sub.