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  • Birthday 07/21/1988

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  1. ANT LAY

    those either a tahor or Yukon

    I put tape over the inside and outside of the vent and I can definitely feel more pressure and air movement but its hard to say if it's "louder", so now I'll probably go ahead and block them off permanently edit *... btw no more fart noise
  2. ANT LAY

    those either a tahor or Yukon

    Yea I've took off the cover and checked it out, I'm thinking I'm gonna try it...
  3. I've heard of people blocking off the rear cabin vents ( behind the vent caps) to gain loudness in the cabin anyone here dine it or does anyone know if it works because with my system turned up if you walk to the back you can here a farting noise coming out and also you can feel the air coming out
  4. ANT LAY

    My New Toy

    Agreed, it takes a lot of car to take a bike (even a stock one), especially in twisties. Given that the person riding knows how to ride lol. A lot of anything comes down to rider/driver skill. Makes me my r1 ... im actually thinking of getting another r1 for trackbike....nice bike man I've always liked that bike.....dunno if you know about it already but check out r6 forum...great forum as well as the r1 forum ..lots of good info and people on their...again nice bike
  5. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    Yea..that's a good price...and yea id bet that the os-3 may word but I wouldn't chance it..id go ahead and get the os-4 from your link
  6. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    I just checked the pac website and that is only for 07-08 silverado ...but it may work but according to their application chart the one a linked earlier is the one you need ..os-4... I think 07 08 09 10 are all the same truck. 06 was different and early 07 gm calls 'classic' That's exactly what i was thinking ..which I know they are but im just going by their word...like I said im just trying to look out for ya bro!
  7. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    Yea id agree...although mine hasn't arrived lol...he's just gotta firgure out the correct model
  8. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    Check their website man, id hate to see you make a $170 mistake if the os-3 don't work, im sure you could return it but that's just more "downtime" either way
  9. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    I just checked the pac website and that is only for 07-08 silverado ...but it may work but according to their application chart the one a linked earlier is the one you need ..os-4... I think
  10. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    Lol...nice ... yea I got that...also op, im sure andrew through argent audio can hook u up, if not check around....I had to get one for bose and onstar and I got mine for 1#0... it's a pac....would of definitely ordered through andrew if I knew he carried them
  11. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    yes. thats the point!!! I think he asking because you can save some money and get the one that bypasses onstar
  12. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    According to op he uses it daily...but i would probably go ahead and spend the extra for the pac...seems that scosche is pretty similar for a good bit less money...I guess its cheaper for a reason from what reviews I read for mine...I just ordered a pac interface for my 05 yukon with onstar and bose ..and had to make the same decision ...sorry andrew if I would of known you were a dealer I would've hit you up
  13. ANT LAY

    Alpine + Onstar.

    cost even more then the PAC May wanna check my link from pac.... pac is $50 more