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CrownVic last won the day on September 7 2009

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Community Reputation

15 Good


About CrownVic

  • Rank
    Regular Member

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    Memphis TN
  • Interests
    BASS and bass
  1. CrownVic

    Breakthrough in Innovative Car Audio Protection

    Thats a sweet product.
  2. CrownVic

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I'm sorry, but they are the worst tool for measuring. This is exactly what I am talking about in the previous posts. You see it acting differently and pick arbitrary numbers out of the air , insert, and bam. See what I'm getting at? Isn't that how you measure all the time. You measure with your eyes when you need to stop your car so you don't wreck. How far to step so you don't fall down the stairs. What size a bolt is so you can get the right size wrench. I don't carry a pucking ruler in my back pocket nor do I care too. See what I'm getting at? I noticed a very audible difference as well. At full tilt my truck is quiet as shit on the outside with the windows up. The problem is your eye is not sensitive enough to he used as a measuring device for panel movement. It's akin to stating you could measure a driver's excursion by eye. Audible differences are a given, but you are already perceiving a change so you brain has already signaled there will be a change whether there is or not. Is it really that horrible of a product if he bought the shit to make his roof stop rattling and it worked, ive heard his truck at full tilt and it is pretty damn quiet for the huge sub stage. He bought it to stop rattles, applied it properly and it has served his purpose, no need to split hairs and try to discredit what he experienced. This is such a dead horse, why spend this much time worrying about it? I'm not worried about anything. He just proved my point I made earlier. Yes, the stuff made a difference, but what amount. I was not questioning the difference, I questioned his numbers stated and methods of measurement. It's simply perception. He percieved a difference; his mind had already made that decision for him. I understand why you would suspect that, but to say it as if its fact and there's no way it could possibly have happened just shows an automatic bias. Your hastening to doubt a product that you've never seen, heard, or used just because of one bad batch? After the owner gave OP team pricing (real team member), and offered to send more or refund his money, I really don't see the problem. No ones claiming its the best, but to automatically assume its useless junk is a bold statement not supported by facts.
  3. CrownVic

    Audio technix deadener.....

    I'm sorry, but they are the worst tool for measuring. This is exactly what I am talking about in the previous posts. You see it acting differently and pick arbitrary numbers out of the air , insert, and bam. See what I'm getting at? Isn't that how you measure all the time. You measure with your eyes when you need to stop your car so you don't wreck. How far to step so you don't fall down the stairs. What size a bolt is so you can get the right size wrench. I don't carry a pucking ruler in my back pocket nor do I care too. See what I'm getting at? I noticed a very audible difference as well. At full tilt my truck is quiet as shit on the outside with the windows up. The problem is your eye is not sensitive enough to he used as a measuring device for panel movement. It's akin to stating you could measure a driver's excursion by eye. Audible differences are a given, but you are already perceiving a change so you brain has already signaled there will be a change whether there is or not. Is it really that horrible of a product if he bought the shit to make his roof stop rattling and it worked, ive heard his truck at full tilt and it is pretty damn quiet for the huge sub stage. He bought it to stop rattles, applied it properly and it has served his purpose, no need to split hairs and try to discredit what he experienced. This is such a dead horse, why spend this much time worrying about it?
  4. CrownVic

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Ive got the same DMM, and nice subs
  5. CrownVic

    Fi SSD 10 (High Qts)

    But just cutting a whole is just a sealed box with a large leak, a hole and a port are not the same
  6. CrownVic

    Fi SSD 10 (High Qts)

    Theres much more to it than just cutting a whole, you'd have to add an external port to retain the box volume,
  7. Nice truck, what song at 3:15ish?
  8. CrownVic

    sundown lincoln

    Glad its coming together man! Good luck at the show.
  9. Id check your coils, and make sure the carb is clean.
  10. If you can get it for a good price Id go for it. Theres also the diehard platinum series, and oreilleys makes an agm to.
  11. CrownVic

    My new toys and Box help..

    Need more port.
  12. CrownVic

    Guess What's Inside The Box

  13. CrownVic

    new subs?

    Ive got a Bl 12 FS....
  14. CrownVic

    Bassboylowg Bass-Pack #1

    You can DL them from youtube in MP3 format using an online converter flvto.com