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About wayneo99

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  1. that sundown is in my price range with free shipping i think ill go with that. everyone says what good quality they are
  2. im lookin for something new to power some image dynamics CTX65CS. and isnt sundown expensive? ya sure i no plenty of amps i could use if i bridge. does anyone have a diagram on how to bridge a 4 channel amp to 2 channels then to the speakers?
  3. oh and im looking for it to be 250 and under.
  4. like the title says. i need a 2 channel amp that puts out 150 watts at 4ohms. any suggestions guys?
  5. cool just what i needed to no man thanks a lot.
  6. basically i just wanna no all the wires i will need for my system consisting of 2 subs, 2 amps, components, and a big 3 upgrade. what i have listed is: 1/0 knukonceptz power/ground for the amps to the battery and the big 3 upgrade. 10 gauge speaker wire for the amp to the speakers. 1 question i have about the speakers is do i hook up the crossover to the amp then the crossover to the speaker? and all with speaker wire? also do i use RCA cables or speaker wire to connect the sub to the amp? and finally do i use RCA cables to go from the amps to the head unit? if i got anything wrong please tell me. any help is appreciated!! thanks!
  7. wayneo99

    how to put amp on sub box?

    cool cool thanks bro
  8. wayneo99

    how to put amp on sub box?

    i wanna put my amp on top of my sub box. somethin like this. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/attachments/classified-archive/29569d1148325888-fs-two-12-visonik-subs-q-logic-plexyglass-ported-box-jl-amp-two-7-monitors-sub1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/classified-archive/77133-fs-two-12-visonik-subs-q-logic-plexyglass-ported-box-jl-amp-two-7-monitors.html&usg=__TJ9YFj030MnGCFMQm8h_EpxK5xg=&h=480&w=640&sz=95&hl=en&start=9&tbnid=Ms8HpRY7X5x9zM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsubs%2Bwith%2Bamp%2Bon%2Bbox%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D566%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C537&um=1&itbs=1&ei=D9JMTPMUwYLyBsrq_Tg&biw=1024&bih=566 but how do i do it. do i just screw it in?
  9. wayneo99

    box design for 2 12" fi bl's

    damm thanks a lot man
  10. wayneo99

    box design for 2 12" fi bl's

    well the max dimensions are 26, 36, 16. (D)(W)(H). i want it dual chamber, port in the center between both the subs. tuned to 32hz. an double baffle. i want 2.5 cubes per sub but idk if it can be achieved with the given dims. an also since i want it double baffle cant i give it a recessed look where u put the driver in?
  11. hey guys i was wonderin if any of you guys could help me out an do a free box design for me? i can email you a box design that was done for me but idk if the tuning is correct an i want it changed a lil bit. but i want the same basic design. the box will be for 2 12" fi bl's off a aq2200d. so if any of you guys wanna help me it'll be much a appreciated! also if you guys have any recommendations on specs for the box that would be great. the current box i was thinkin will be 2.5 cubes per sub dual chamber. 32hz. double baffle. any suggestions?
  12. ill be usin 2 fi bl. they'll take the 2200d very nicely.