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I am looking to piece together a component system which will consist of Mach 5 MLI-65 mid-ranges or AA polys between those 2 for mid bass.

For tweets I am looking at Seas H1396 or Vifa D26nco5?

I will probably go passive then active when I get my Sundown 100.4....

So whats the better tweeter between those two?

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Neither will really work that well with the Mli, but that Vifa would be completely terrible with it. You need to find a really low Fs driver...

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Neither will really work that well with the Mli, but that Vifa would be completely terrible with it. You need to find a really low Fs driver...

How low of an FS are we talking?

and are you talking for teh Midbass or the Tweeter?

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

the poly is just a budget driver, right, cause poly is not the best of sounding drivers from what i understand. i wish there was a graph on it...anybody have one?

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

the poly is just a budget driver, right, cause poly is not the best of sounding drivers from what i understand. i wish there was a graph on it...anybody have one?


There are tons of graphs of various speakers there. Good place to waste a couple of days. :)

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

the poly is just a budget driver, right, cause poly is not the best of sounding drivers from what i understand. i wish there was a graph on it...anybody have one?

I'd take the Poly's midrange over the MLI's midrange...not quite sure what you mean by it being "just" a budget driver, it sounds pretty nice :)

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

the poly is just a budget driver, right, cause poly is not the best of sounding drivers from what i understand. i wish there was a graph on it...anybody have one?

I'd take the Poly's midrange over the MLI's midrange...not quite sure what you mean by it being "just" a budget driver, it sounds pretty nice :)

well i read on DIYMA that poly is not the best choice for a cone material. it will end up sounding muddy on the upper ranges. i could be wrong

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The Poly would be a lot easier to integrate in a two-way.

the poly is just a budget driver, right, cause poly is not the best of sounding drivers from what i understand. i wish there was a graph on it...anybody have one?

I'd take the Poly's midrange over the MLI's midrange...not quite sure what you mean by it being "just" a budget driver, it sounds pretty nice :)

well i read on DIYMA that poly is not the best choice for a cone material. it will end up sounding muddy on the upper ranges. i could be wrong

Not sure which Poly driver you are referring to, but it isn't a bad midrange material.

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So tweets what should I get? or rather can you stir me in a direction of a pair of ones that are better for my application.

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lol, just realized in the initial post that you cited the AA Poly. Either way, the midrange will be fine.

As for tweets, we need some direction from you. There are lots to choose from.

Budget, listening preferences, mounting location, and physical size limit are all very important parameters. Without them you won't get any real help.

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Well I want to mount them in my Pillars in the front...

So anything that can be mounted in my pillars is fine with me...

Listening prefs I want some clean sounding bright tweets with as limited distortion as possible...

I need something that can keep up with the music I listen to Rap, Chopped n Screwed, Rock n Roll, Jazz, R & B etc....

I just don't want no harsh tweets...

Hope thats enough...

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I'd stay away from aluminum domes if you don't want harsh...

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I'd stay away from aluminum domes if you don't want harsh...

im sure you could get them not harsh with a bit of tweeking

I have metal domes with my Memphis Msyncs, EQing can get them not harsh, but I'd rather start out with a good silk dome in the first place.

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While I do agree with the sentiments of going textile Jim, the Msyncs tweeter sounds like ass in comparison to that Seas.

How big are your pillars? Can you fit a 4" tweeter in them?

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I don't think 4" tweets can fit in my pillars...

I like 1" tweets because of the sheer size of them and easy to make them blend in with a sort of factory look...

But hey there is always a need for change so what u got for me as far as suggestions utilizing a 4" tweeter?

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You can typically get a tweeter that will play much lower in a larger format. Considering your mids don't have the worlds best upper end response and the distance between the drivers I would encourage that. As for suggestions, it comes down to budget.

In a pretty budget friendly form, I really like these for a textile:


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These would be great in my Pillars up front?

how would I mount them?

care to show any pics?

Personally I'd mount them as close to your mids as possible. Pretty hard for us to understand what you are trying to do though as we don't even know what kind of car it is or any of your listening preferences.

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