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Yesterdays stupid audio experience :)

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Well, I usually stay away from all the local shops, there about 5. But I was bored so I went around yesterday to see whats new. Theres one shop thats actually pretty knowledgeable/cool. A old guy at Autosoundaddiction(VERN) We were sitting around talking, this kid comes in with a 15" Team RF fosgate(sweet SPL 4hp sub) the dustcap was loose, but he was sure it needed to be sent to the factory for "repairs" Tested the coils, their fine. Vern says " I have some CA glue in the back I'll just glue the dustcap back down and you'll be good, save you a couple hundred" The kids like no"I don't want it half assed, it needs all new parts." WOW I tried to tell him, that its just a loose dustcap, and CA glues what they'd use in the first place, but some people just don't wanna listen. So needless to say, he ended up dropping it off to go back along with 3 other subs he's torn up to go back, for god knows how much money :) Its one of the many reasons shops exist :) And one of the reasons I can't go :) Sorry if this is so long, stuff like that drives me nutz.....

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Some people are like that, and some are really stupid... The other day I was watching an amp on ebay, a kicker that did not work right. They have them all the time on ubid that are factory refurbs, but this broken one went about 25% higher on auction than a factory repaired and tested unit with all new accessories. Someone paid over 2 bills for this blown amp plus ship; they paid more than used working ones go for.

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Silly kids.

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I have lots of experience where ppl like to believe what they want to believe and I just let it be. Afterall I'm much more louder then them so I have nothing to proove.

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I have lots of experience where ppl like to believe what they want to believe and I just let it be. Afterall I'm much more louder then them so I have nothing to proove.

Much more louder? Maybe people would believe you more often if you used proper english to structure your sentences.

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Eh, he gets a pass from me because he's not a native speaker :P

Now it's the people in the US using "ur" and "imma" that really should know better...;)

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