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Captain Kev

Sound problems

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I have a samll problem and maybe someone here knows what is happening. I have a line driver on my amps so here it goes. I turned the gains on the LD up to about 1/2 way. I then proceeded to set the gains on the amps using a DMM and 50hz test tone to volume level 26 on my HU. Everything was good until I played music. It doesn't seem to matter which song I play. When I get to about 22-24 (depends on song) the sub amp cuts off. It's not in protect mode it just turns off entirely. My door/dash speakers warble, then go to producing a clicking noise. If I turn the car off and let it sit for a couple minutes, everything works fine when I turn it back on. Keep in mind that it started doing this after 30mins of high volume play time. Is something getting hot or am I not doing something right?

Edited by Captain Kev

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turn the gain down on the line driver just a little bit and try again.

You may be outputting too much voltage to your amp.

If the LD's gain is set exactly correct, then turn amp's gain down a little, but, i would turn the LDs gain down first.

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I'd guess it's your Electrical system before input voltage. If input voltage was too high, the amps would just shut down right away.

It sounds like you're just draining the charging system of its juice.

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you know, i always tend to look past the basics first, hehe

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you know, i always tend to look past the basics first, hehe

no, that was really a good suggestion, just one that should have popped up later in the thread LOL

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turns out you were right shizzon. The gains on the LD were a tad to high. I do need to add a second battery in the near future when I get another Havoc. Thanks for the help.

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