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Okay, the other day, I DLed the SP2 and it totally screwed up my internet connection. Upon uninstalling, everything was fine. Well, I forgot to change my prefs for Windows updates and fell asleep the other night with the computer on and low and behold, when I awoke, the computer had DLed and installed SP2 again. Went to uninstall and restart, and now it get's to the XP screen, loads windows, then goes to the blue screen and restarts the computer. Does it everytime and will do nothing else.

I called MS tech and they told me to insert the XP setup disc and it would repair windows. HA! No luck. Still does the same ole crap.

ANy ideas what to do? With me asking this, I'd like to point out that I am not very knowledgeable about computers. I know enough to get me by, but when something like this arises, I get lost. Thanks!

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Nevermind, fixed it. What a pain.

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Nevermind, fixed it.  What a pain.

SP2 is perfectly fine and should not effect your internet connection. What it likely did was install the firewall to run and made it appear as though your connection was not present or was lagging. All you need to do is open the security center and turn it off. You should be running fine. (this is for anyone else that runs into this problem and or if you have it update again... intentionally or accidental)

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SP2 crashed my friend's computer. He had to buy another hard drive, and install windows on it, then transfer all of the data from his other 2 hd's onto his new hd, format them, then put it back to normal. Talk about a pain.

I installed it without a problem.

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There is never a reason to have to buy another HDD after installing any software.... he either didnt know what he was doing, or wanted a new HDD :)

I've installed SP2 on all of my office computers (about 11) and it is working great!

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I don't know how you can mess up an install of SP2, its just clicking next. I guess it wasn't too compatible with his computer. He knows a good bit what he was doing since he built the computer, all I am saying is there is some freak cases of it crashing the computer.

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