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NEW LAW!!!! (important read) everyone please

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Alright guys new one for you, My stupid city is now getting ready to pass a new law which states that if your sound system is too loud in your car, the police IMPOUND your car.

Am I losing it or is this not the most Freaking DUMB THING you've ever heard in your life. If a cop can hear your music from over 25 feet, they fine you 650 dollars, and they impound your car. So much for getting a new sound system in my car. SARASOTA, FLORIDA I HATE YOU. any thoughts would be appreciated.

Edited by scizzle

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Good idea. Maybe then people will have a little respect for others.

Your kidding right. You can't have subs in your car then.

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I don't feel the need to roll down the windows & let it blast... my music is for my enjoyment, not the annoyance of others.

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I don't feel the need to roll down the windows & let it blast...

Your not understanding, your windows don't have to be down. If they hear bass emitting from your car your car it is impounded. windows rolled up you still get your car taken.

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I agree. I hate sitting in my home or in a public place and just hearing BOOM...BOOM, and License plate rattling and such. There is a time and place for everything. I'm all for having a system in the car and having the capabilities to get loud, but you should have respect for those around you. The fines may be a little steep. When I was enlisted, we had a law on base that was similar to what your talking about. If you got caught, your driving privilege on base was taken away. Would really suck to bum a ride to work everyday.

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I am completely understanding... don't worry, you aren't understanding what I am saying.

I do not feel the need to kill my ears & annoy others while driving. Something others need to learn too. Nobody wants to hear or feel your stereo when they are walking with their kids, out in the park, or relaxing in their backyard. It's people that do not respect others that caused this. Glad someone is finally doing something about this, there are noise ordinances for people that create excessive noise in almost every jurisdiction in North America, so vehicles should be no different.

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In reality, then why do you have a stereo in your car what is the point. Regular listening volumes still emit a large enough sound to get your car taken away that's really ridiculous. whether your pumping your music or not. if your volume is slightly loud your screwed.

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25 feet is a pretty long distance if you think about it. And with a properly dampened system having the volume up to where you can clearly hear it w/o you car getting impounded shouldn't be a problem.

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In reality, then why do you have a stereo in your car what is the point.

So that I can listen to music.

Regular listening volumes still emit a large enough sound to get your car taken away that's really ridiculous.

Not if you have at all properly installed it. At loud volumes my system will definitely not carry 25ft if my windows are closed.

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Hey! it's another guy who uses his name for his forum ID!

I'd agree. It's disrespectful and annoying when it's two in the morning and then thump thump.

The whole impounding thing is pretty harsh for a stereo violation, but I bet people will learn real quick :)

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I agree about the 2 in the morning thing but I mean you can totally hear a good system from 25 feet away I mean cmon you can hear the ice cream man from half a mile.

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I agree about the 2 in the morning thing but I mean you can totally hear a good system from 25 feet away I mean cmon you can hear the ice cream man from half a mile.

I'd say you could hear a bad system from that distance not a good one. Unlike the Ice Cream man, most of us don't mount speakers on the outside of the car.

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I think the impounding is a bit rough....is that for first time "offenders" as well? Turn it up on the highway or the country roads. If you HAVE to have it up in the city...turn it down at the red lights or slow traffic at least. I always have my music down if its before noon or after eight at night.....I plan on investing in some second skin soon, but I just don't have the money now. =/

Just be courteous though.

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Sounds like a reasonable law, at least in residential areas and commercial areas...

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Is the real reason to have a system that is extremely loud really for listening purposes or for attention?

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Is the real reason to have a system that is extremely loud really for listening purposes or for attention?

You know that answer. :drink40:

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Personally, I think it's bullshit. Yes, we should all listen to our music responsibly, but this is over the edge. It's just another way to control the people, and it's prejudice. I can't tell you how many times I've been pulled over for my exhaust being too loud, but you never see a cop pulling a Harley over for this. You can bet they'll impound your car for loud music, but they won't impound the loud-ass V-twin next to them making twice the noise. They won't impound a vehicle with no muffler for excessive noise either. It's just more bureaucratic bullshit.

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Alright guys new one for you, My stupid city is now getting ready to pass a new law which states that if your sound system is too loud in your car, the police IMPOUND your car.

Am I losing it or is this not the most Freaking DUMB THING you've ever heard in your life. If a cop can hear your music from over 25 feet, they fine you 650 dollars, and they impound your car. So much for getting a new sound system in my car. SARASOTA, FLORIDA I HATE YOU. any thoughts would be appreciated.

100% in support of that law.

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Is the real reason to have a system that is extremely loud really for listening purposes or for attention?

This is not the point it's just the fact of how harsh is that impounding your car C'mon now. You know that a cop having a bad day is totally going to pull someone over who is just listening to their stereo relatively quietly and impound their car and fine them 650$ you can't tell me that's not wrong. Don't go off on on other things cops can do too I am just saying you know this will happen when you give people too much power especially police. (Let me Clarify I have no Issues with policemen.)

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yep pure bullcrap.

I respect my surroundings when the stereo is goin.

Residential areas, stop lights\signs, parking lots(for burglary prevention), heavy slow ass traffic, around those who can cite you for it, hehe.

I've had my warning before several years ago.

I was on a road 45mph that had houses that sat back off the road a good 80ft. Liek one house every 600-750feet not a popular street.

I had gotten a warning once a long time ago about it being too loud. I asked him why he was giving me a warning period and he said that people in the area have been complaining about it at all times of the day. This was my first time ever driving through there anyway.

He told me, (for louisville, KY) that if i want it loud just make sure we ain't around and that you do it on a more busy type street without people actually around to possibly disturb.

If someone can get disturbed, it's a violation if it's a consistent nuisance.

Our laws are

1st - $250

2nd - $500

3rd - $1000 or impound if try to fight it.

4th - system gets installed in cruiser to make fun of you.

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