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.5 ohms

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have a set of dual 2ohm subs. that i will later switch out to a single set up. my question is how safe could run a saz1500 at .5 ohms on them until i switch over ? or should i just wire them to 2ohms and put up with less power. to be safe.

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what is your eletrical system like, and do u care that you will not have a warrenty if ran that low of an ohm load.

stock 105 alt ,deka under hood,big3

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hmm i would atleast add another batt just to be safe...i run my amp @ .35 for burps and i do atleast 4-5 3 sec. burps to find my freq at the shows and all that and it runs good gets warm but nothing too bad so i think u'll be good at .5...

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i run mine at 0.5ohms as well.. but it's mainly for burps.. IMO, to safely run them at 0.5ohms, you gotta keep your eye on the voltage at the amp, and its temperature during long periods of play..

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