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Mach 5 IXL vs Fi Q

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Hi there,

I'm not sure if anyone can answer this due to the fact that there aren't many IXL's out there yet.



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What are you planning on running those with?

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What are you planning on running those with?

Power-wise? Right now I have an SAE-1000D.

Lets rephrase the question since not many people have heard the IXL yet...

Was the IXL designed as SQ sub like the FI Q? Or is it more in the middle of SQ and SPL?

I'm debating between the two right now, but there isn't a lot of info on the IXL out there...

Either way it will be an 18" in a ~5 cu.ft. net sealed enclosure.

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Interesting. The IXL-18 has done very well with the home audio/home theater crowd. Not many use it in car audio due to the fact that it simple requires such a large box to operate.

There's a gent from Oz who did a build using two IXL-18's recently. Perhaps check a page or two back for his thread...

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Based on my time with the IXL 10 and 12 they are true SQ drivers that natively get loud due to their design. But they are a phenominal SQ driver.

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I love my IXL, more than loud enough and it sounds great.

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Hopefully my damn truck will get here and I'll soon be able to add my input as well.

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Let me get this straight, you want to use an 18" for SQ? :wtf:

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Let me get this straight, you want to use an 18" for SQ? :wtf:

Why not?

As long as the inductance is kept reasonable...

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Let me get this straight, you want to use an 18" for SQ? :wtf:

Why not?

As long as the inductance is kept reasonable...

Well, its possible, but not very practical in my opinion.

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Depends on the environment it's in :)

In a large vehicle or at home, an 18" or two is a very good option provided it's up to the task.

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Depends on the environment it's in :)

In a large vehicle or at home, an 18" or two is a very good option provided it's up to the task.

That is true, where he is using 1000 watts the inductance will be manageable. But you do need a lot of airspace too, and it is designed for infinite baffle, so good luck with that! :neil:

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Sounds like a win win decision. Both are very good choices, there are not as many IXL's out there, so if you want something most don't have go for the IXL.

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Bigger cone means less excursion for a given output. That means that the sub stays in its most linear region. There's a reason that most SQ competitors use several large subs.

I'd love to "hurry up" but the dealer "forgot" to initiate the transfer of my truck. It was supposed to have been in Vegas before I got home with me taking delivery on the 12th. I called them for the three days leading up to the delivery date and the girl I'd been working with was out sick and no one else seemed to have a clue what was going on. I finally got ahold of someone who had an answer the day I was supposed to pick it up. The answer was that the transfer never happened and that they were working it right then. Another 3-5 days. I've been assured that it will be there tomorrow (day 6 of the 3-5). What started as 5-7 days has become 18.

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I'm not using it for SQ comps. I want a driver that sounds really great with music and can blend in well with the remote gain down, and something that can pound some solid bass when I feel like cranking it.

I've got a 2002 Kicker L5 10" ported right now, and it is just not cutting it. Not enough output and it doesn't sound good. Even sealed it sounds like crap, and the 02 models bottom out real easily.

I was pretty much set on a Fi Q 18" sealed or 15" Icon ported, but then I came across the IXL...

And I don't see why you guys are saying that you can't use an 18" as an SQ driver... dave edwards on here uses a 15"... I thought the whole thing about big cones and bad SQ was just a myth...

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Most of us totally agree with using a good bigger sub for SQ.

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<-- Changed from a 10 to an 18. Can't complain about the transient response at all :)

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Bigger cone means less excursion for a given output. That means that the sub stays in its most linear region. There's a reason that most SQ competitors use several large subs.

I'd love to "hurry up" but the dealer "forgot" to initiate the transfer of my truck. It was supposed to have been in Vegas before I got home with me taking delivery on the 12th. I called them for the three days leading up to the delivery date and the girl I'd been working with was out sick and no one else seemed to have a clue what was going on. I finally got ahold of someone who had an answer the day I was supposed to pick it up. The answer was that the transfer never happened and that they were working it right then. Another 3-5 days. I've been assured that it will be there tomorrow (day 6 of the 3-5). What started as 5-7 days has become 18.

They better give you something for all the hassle - free tank of gas, a few bucks off... was the salesperson cute?

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Done all the communication over the phone/email. No idea what she looks like. She did send me a coupon for an additional $500 off.

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Finally got the truck last night. In addition to the extra $500 off (bringing the price I paid below invoice before the $2500 rebate from Nissan) I also got the rear windows tinted, pinstripes and daytime running lights for $0. Didn't care about the stripes or the lights, though the stripes look really good, but the tint saved me some real $$$ and a trip to a shop. Now I just need an alarm and to get the install going...

And Mark, no, she wasn't attractive.

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Well, good for you! You gotta like it when businesses screw up like that sometimes.

Too bad about the girl tho...

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