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jl w6 comparison to a death row

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Hey guys, im just wondering how the jl 12 w6 goes up against a Deathrow 15 output wise. Im just trying to get an idea how loud a deathrow will get haha. Lets just say they both have the amps that is recommended rms for them.

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a w6 12 would be equivilant to a LI 12.

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ok cool, so im going to guess that the DR 15, would be quite the improvement then. Do i assume correctly?

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don't know if you know what 140+ sounds like. But i had a DR 18 with a blown coil. And just for chits and giggles i threw together a box and we put it on a meter with 1 coil and a quick htz sweep. And hit 145.9 I know a 15 in a good box with a solid 1000 watts will do that at least

Edited by bigtoepfer

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ok cool, so im going to guess that the DR 15, would be quite the improvement then. Do i assume correctly?

The IA should be a ton louder, and should still sound great.

Which w6, v2?


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yeah its a brand new one

Yeah, the w6v2 is a nice sounding driver, but the IA would be tons louder and still retain good sound.


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