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FI SSD or Alpine type x

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hey i need some help deciding on which sub to get. i found an alpine type x 12 on craigslist for 200 with prefab ported box. or should i go with an fi ssd 12 and build my own sealed box.? being ran by a kenwood kac9102d its 850 rms at 2 ohms.

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what kind of question is this .... u know the answer u will get on this Forum < and its a true one ...

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Prefab ported boxes usually have little in the way of SQ. They get lucky once in a while with the correct airspace, but almost all that I've seen use a tuning that's way too high.

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so you want an SQ setup... and your choices are retail SSD or $200 Type-X

why the hell wouldn't you go with the type-x and make a sealed box for it.. or port it really low since your looking for SQ.

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keep lickin that ass. lol. SSD for sure. You may even find a used one for a good price.

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type-x is an sq subwoofer period. and if i'm not mistaken it can handle more wattage than the ssd.

noone's knockin' fi, but for an sq setup the type-x takes the cake vs an ssd.

Edited by Earsplitter

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mach 5 ixl ';..;'

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Wow..... lol at this thread!!! The X's sound good and get loud I've personally ran 2 10's on a SAZ3K and loved them. I wouldn't even put the ssd's in the same category!

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the op is dumb for posting such a question in such a biased forum

atleast one other person understands what the type-x is and not just on a fi boner promoting it to everyone for every application.

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Go with the Type x! For that price you cant beat it. I had two of them, and they were my favorite 12s. They get so loud and yet sound so clear and clean.

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the op is dumb for posting such a question in such a biased forum

atleast one other person understands what the type-x is and not just on a fi boner promoting it to everyone for every application.

Earsplitter please stop this type of post... just cause a majority of the people here think the Fi SSD sounds better then what YOU think sounds better and then bashing them for being on an "Fi Boner" is childish... Suffice it to say your on an Alpine boner...

I work at one of the most successful shops that sell alpine... And i can say (since i've heard alpine subs in more applications then you could dream of) that the SSD will more then hold it's own against the Type X.... Once again i can easily say by your childish post get of the MAINSTREAM ALPINE BONER...

i've heard both in SQ cars... SSD with copper coils sound amazing... They taken first place over countless cars running type-x...

And i've seen my share of type-x take countless first places as well...

Just because TO ME i think the SSD's with copper coils sounds better then a type "x" doesn't give you any bases to label me a bias person...

in fact to me it seems your more on the alpine boner then anyone else... coming here and slinging mud at people who are voicing their opinion...

I can post VALID facts on direct drop in with SSD's and Alpine Type X.. same watts same cars and on the same RTA meter... I can post these cause i've used both subs in SPL, Daily and SQ applications...

I'm not posting cause i heard ONE alpine type X in a sealed box on 500 watts by an inexperienced competitor... or the average consumer...

Nor am i posting my opinion based on hearing an SSD set-up... My basis (as mentioned) is in countless applications, direct swaps, and even hidden blind test with 7 peoples ear.... have them sit in the car and listen to direct swaps and ask them which sounds better... People could hardly make a distinction... I recommend the SSD over the alpine because they sound amazing and price for price the Alpines have a hard time justifying the extra doe spent...

I'm just tired of people who haven't done any comparison other then sticking there head in a car and then making post and then saying stupid shit about boners...

FYI with the BP option and flatwind it will handle more watts then the Type X.... once again posting without any BASIS for your posts....

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blah blah blah, sq wise the type-x will take the cake period.

btw you have no idea my knowledge of installation / tuning systems... so try again.

Edited by Earsplitter

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blah blah blah, sq wise the type-x will take the cake period.

btw you have no idea my background knowledge of installation / tuning systems... so try again.

I suggest you jump off your high horse there kiddo. Stop freaking out, use your inhaler, and breathe.

Pay some respect, theabunai has knowledge of BOTH woofers, his opinion is unbiased where yours is completely irrelevant.

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blah blah blah, sq wise the type-x will take the cake period.

btw you have no idea my background knowledge of installation / tuning systems... so try again.

I suggest you jump off your high horse there kiddo. Stop freaking out, use your inhaler, and breathe.

Pay some respect, theabunai has knowledge of BOTH woofers, his opinion is unbiased where yours is completely irrelevant.

high horse?

freaking out?

i think you should re-read my post buddy :D

btw, nice attempt at sucking some ass.

Edited by Earsplitter

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blah blah blah, sq wise the type-x will take the cake period.

btw you have no idea my background knowledge of installation / tuning systems... so try again.

I suggest you jump off your high horse there kiddo. Stop freaking out, use your inhaler, and breathe.

Pay some respect, theabunai has knowledge of BOTH woofers, his opinion is unbiased where yours is completely irrelevant.

hig horse?

freaking out?

i think you should re-read my post buddy :D

That suggests you have extensive knowledge. Which you obviously don't.

I know your a steaming little tea kettle of furry, I can tell your frustrated, just let it go.

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I know your a steaming little tea cup of furry, I can tell your frustrated, just let it go.

OWNED !!... Enough Said

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